Wuthering Heights Wednesday is all about the Wuthering Heights Read-along hosted by Jill at Fizzy Thoughts with each week we will read three chapters from the classic novel and then post our thoughts on, you guessed it –Wednesday!
Volume 2 Chapters 5-7
Edgar brings Linton back to live a Thrushcross Grange to a thrilled Cathy who finally has a playmate. This arrangement is short lived however, when Heathcliff gets wind of his son’s reappearance exercising his parental rights taking him “home” to Wuthering Heights. Linton is a little weary of this new arrangement but everyone tells him that life will be grand at the Heights and that his father is Mr. Ward Cleaver. Cathy is devastated by this loss and after a walk through the moors “accidentally” runs into Heathcliff inviting her to his home and becomes reacquainted with Linton. The two become pen pals with this letter writing blossoming into romance. Thus puts into motion Heathcliff’s plan to unite the two cousins.
My Thoughts:
Things are starting to heat up again in the moors. Master Heathcliff has come out of hiatus and is back to his conniving ways, trying to bring not only the Earnshaws and Lintons down but now his own, although he may not realize it yet. Also, no one seems a bit concerned about the consequences of inbreeding. Things are really starting to get F up now.
Ha! If they weren't already effed up.
How in the world did Emily Bronte think up such wretched characters? Maybe Nelly will end up with all the dough in the end and carrying on with the last laugh.
We can only hope! From what I've read, it sounds like the Brontes were a little effed up themselves. Sorry girls.
Trish just wrote what I've been thinking for quite some time – how in the world did Emily Bronte create such horrible characters?? Where did they come from? I think we're going to be in for some real action again soon…
I think so too!