Wuthering Heights Wednesday is all about the Wuthering Heights Read-along hosted by Jill at Fizzy Thoughts with each week we will read three chapters from the classic novel and then post our thoughts on, you guessed it –Wednesday!
Volume 2 Chapters 14-16
Cathy Jr and Linton are forced into matrimony. Edgar finally dies, (you know it had to happen). Linton also dies, but who gives a shit about that anyway? Lastly, with these two out of the way Heathcliff inherits the Linton fortune reaching his life long goal.
My Thoughts:
Heathcliff does have a moment where he kind of cares, leaving off Cathy for a time after Linton’s death; but that is very short lived. We only have so many characters left, with the only one I really care about being Hareton.
It's about time Linton died – I couldn't take much more of him!!
I should feel sad, but some how I'm not feeling it.
Whuthering heights – brings back memories…even though I have not read the book yet!!
I just wanted to ask you (the blog author) and anyone else who sees this, to post a comment on lizzy bennet's blog.It is her birthday, so I made her a surprise post, and want her to have as many birthday wishes on it as possible. If you do not know who that is, go to http://www.lizzyslovelylibrary.blogspot.com Thanks!!!!!!
I always felt wretched for Hareton every time I read this book. Enjoying your read along! There is an award for you over at my blog!