by Helen Palmer
Published by Random House
Publication Date 1963
Source: Bought
Genres: Childrens
A picture book of a young boy's dream Saturday afternoon.
“Do you know what I’m going to do next Saturday? Well, Sir…let me tell you! I’m going to do some things no one ever did before.”
And thus beginnings this original and humorous children’s book, aptly titled Do you know what I’m going to do next Saturday. This Saturday consists of mostly eating (because you have to keep eating if you want to keep going.) But in between the eating this small boy manages to go water skiing, flying in a jet and helicopter, beat five children at tennis at once and then their fathers, followed by playing with the United States Marines. my favorite part in the book is this precocious boy meeting the Marines. Here’s a snippet and now remember this was published in 1963.
“Shooting! I’ll go shooting with the United States Marines. Little guns! Big guns! I’ll shoot every gun that they shoot. The Marines will like my shooting. And they are going to like me.”
This would probably sound horribly politically incorrect now and may not even read amusing without the visuals which over emphasis and dramatize a child’s craziest dreams. But I found this small book highly entertaining.
I have always wanted to read this one and Green Eggs and Ham
Hope you had fun with this challenge 
Certainly recommend this one. Sometimes I think it was more written for adults, and Green Eggs and Ham is classic!
I love this book, it was one that I had when I was a kid. I would have to re-read it now to see if it had different meanings through adult eyes. As a child, all I thought was what crazy thing can I dream up!
This was one of my brother's favorite books growing up for exactly the same reason you did. The skies the limit!
Just the title is captivating!
By the way, I love the new header picture 
Yes, but the picture on the cover really makes it. Thanks for the complement on the new header, it's courtesy of Juju at Tales of Whimsy.