I participate in two great weekly memes, the first is Sunday Post hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.
Off the Blog
We advertised in Craig’s List, a local shopping paper and a Facebook page devoted to sales in the area. Because of this (mainly due to Craig’s List) we actually had a line going around the block and had people call to ask if we would hold something in the pictures we had posted (sorry, no early sales). My aunt, mom and I busted our butts to open on time and were awed not only that we accomplished it but that no fist-fights ensued in our driveway. (believe me I’ve seen it happen).
Anyway, not only are yard sales a great way to recycle but you also have some interesting stories to tell.
On the second day, a few hours after the sale began a member of the city parked their car outside and stepped out carrying the signs we had placed around town. Apparently you are not allowed to place signage on the city’s public property. I live in a small town and this is what they are spending their time on; not fixing the streets, sidewalks or any amenities said money may provide but instead you have someone driving around town taking down garage sale signs? Not only is that petty and a waste of tax dollars but I also feel it shows a lack of community. Needless to say my mom reamed him out.
Later, we had an elderly lady check out with a small bag of buttons and asked what our best price was, we replied “a dollar” she repeated her question and added “do you really want to bring this back in, it would be such a hassle.” yeah, it’s so heavy… We finally got so annoyed that we sold it to her for 50 cents, but on the way out my aunt exclaimed quite loudly “I sold it to her for 50 cents just so she would leave.” Later, we discussed that if we had the nerve, we would have just thrown it in the garbage rather then sell to her.
That last statement does make us sound like bitches and I promise you we are not. Maybe you had to be there to appreciate the complete annoying experience.
On a closing note, after reading that it could be assumed that we would never have another garage sale, but the truth is we like them, we like getting rid of stuff and the little antidotes they provide. I shall probably have many more to come as we hope to move to Madison, Wisconsin in the near future and plan to down size. Thus expect several garage sale tales to come.
Last Week on the Blog
- [7 Apr] Ruth’s Journey: a Gone with the Wind Prequel
- [12 Apr] Friday Memes #40
- [13 Apr] Weekly Wrap-Up #23
This Week on the Blog
- [14 Apr] Radio Shelf Pleasure
- [16 Apr] New Book Review Formats
- [18 Apr] Femme Fatale Fridays: Charlotte Vale
- [20 Apr] Weekly Wrap-up #24
Thanks for the tip about Ruth's journey. I loved reading my mother's huge hardcover ( and small print) version of Gone with the Wind when I was about thirteen. Took me all summer but I finished it, and then enjoyed going to the movie theater with my mom when the movie was re-released I believe in the early '70s.
Congrats on the garage sale. I guess Craigs List is the secret for having a good one. I have had many, but never made that much money.
I'm a little jealous that you got to see GWTW in the theater, maybe it is the nerd in me but I think that would be an awesome experience.
Putting it on Craig's List was my mom's idea — I would have never thought of it and was surprised by how many people found out about the sale that way.
We haven't done a yard sale in such a long time, and for all the things you mentioned. It was such a hassle. Craigslist is a big help.
Enjoy your week.
Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sunday Post
Garage sales are a bit of a hassle and every time we claim it will be our last, but even though people are annoying at the end of the day (and retrospect) it is pretty entertaining.
Your yard sale was a huge success ! Ah, whenever you're dealing with the public, you're sure to meet some people that you'd love to see go away but will be stuck forever… Have a great week !
Tell me about it! I use to work in retail and there were many times that I wanted to strangle a customer.
I have to agree about small town cops having nothing to do. I went to high school in a small town and those cops where terrible. Nothing to do but harass teenagers. You really did have a lot of luck .. $900 is a lot for odds and ends. I do think though people who come to bargain 50 cents annoys me so I don't know if I could handle putting one on.
Angela's Anxious Life
Small town cops are the worst! I live across from a park and there are always cops there shooing teenagers away. It is really discouraging because there isnt a lot for teens to do in town.
Have fun reading this week! I've got say I love your blog layout and the quote you used.
I looked at your "about me" page and I saw your favorite book was Pride and Prejudice also.
Isn't it weird that people don't want to talk about Jane Austen all day? I've found that very strange too. 
I am so looking forward to having the time and reading The Cuckoo's Calling. I hope you enjoy it!
Here's my It's Monday! Post
–Kimberly @ Turning the Pages
Ruth's Journey is on my list…LOVED GWTW….and actually bought my own copy a few years ago, just to have it…in case I had time to reread it for the umpteenth time…LOL
Garage sales can be interesting. Loved your stories…and I am needing to have one, but our condo complex has a rule that garage doors cannot be open, except when coming and going. Haven't figured out how to get around that!
Happy reading this week!
The Brunette Librarian's Blog
Wow it sounds like you had a great garage sale. I am moving pretty soon and I probably should have a garage sale too. I have too much junk laying around. Good to cut the fat for my new place.
My Weekly Wrap Up Post
Happy Reading!
Michelle @ Book Briefs
$900 well done!! I do love garage sales, I have to say and love to rummage around. But when I did it myself (here in the UK we do car boot sales), I had similar experience with some people. An item, lets say a t-shirt, was priced 50pence, and they are haggling and wanted it for 10pence. Seriously? And the busy-bodies at the local town, someone must have tipped them off, do people have nothing better to do.
My Sunday Post is here