Weekly Wrap-Up #156

Posted July 7, 2024 by Whitney in Weekly Wrap-Up / 0 Comments

Weekly Wrap-up is where I share happenings on the blog, and books I have read or acquired recently. I link to Caffeinated Book ReviewerThe Book Date, and Reading Reality

I’ve been in a blogging/reading slump this year with both being sporadic.  It isn’t for a lack of enjoyment but more for a lack of motivation.  Over the last week, I’ve been scheduling posts both memes and reviews, and have been toying with the idea of making an adaptation feature for books being adapted to the big and small screen.

As for life outside of the blog… With the Fourth of July being in the middle of the week, it was a pretty low key holiday for  us.  Both the 4th as well as the weekend was a bit rainy but my husband and were still able to grill-out and had a relaxing day off.

Last Week on the Blog

This Week I Read

Currently Reading

Currently Listening

Book Haul

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