Weekly Wrap-up is where I share happenings on the blog, books I have read or acquired recently. I link to Caffeinated Book Reviewer, The Book Date, and Reading Reality
This week, I’ve been going through a Reese Witherspoon book club binge as you will see by my book haul.
This Week on the Blog
- [6 Dec] The Kindest Lie by Nancy Johnson
- [7 Dec] Books From the Backlog: One Day in December
- [9 Dec] Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing by Matthew Perry
- [10 Dec] Weekly Wrap-Up: #155
This Week I Read

Currently Reading:

Currently Listening

Book Haul

I hope you enjoy all the books you hauled this week. My haul was on the small side, but I have so many Christmas books I want to read that I am okay with that.
Cindy’s Book Corner recently posted…Stacking the Shelves #99, Sunday Post #96, Sunday Salon #90
The cover for I Choses Darkness gives some humorist vibes.
Have a great week.
Snapdragon recently posted…Where the Shadows Dwell Dark and Deep | Short Story |
Some interesting new books there! And I’m curious about The Christie Affair — my guess is that it’s about Agatha Christie and the time she disappeared, but maybe I just have a crime fiction-oriented brain…
Nicky @ The Bibliophibian recently posted…Stacking the Shelves