Weekly Wrap-up is where I share happenings on the blog, books I have read or acquired recently. I link to Caffeinated Book Reviewer, The Book Date and Reading Reality
Off The Blog
We moved a few weeks ago and I’ve spent the last few weekends unpacking and getting everything in its place. I also realized I may need to invest in a bookcase as I still have several boxes of books currently in our storage unit. My husband has suggested I may have too many books. I see it as my personal little library.
Last Week on the Blog
- [18 Apr] Find Another Dream by Maysoon Zayid
- [20 Apr] Book Beginnings and Friday 56: Transcendent Kingdom
- [23 Apr] Weekly Wrap-Up #147
Last Week I Read
Book Haul

There’s no such thing as too many books, just not enough space!
Wishing you a great reading week
Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out recently posted…It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #SundayPost #SundaySalon
Yeah, no such thing as too many books! Good luck getting everything sorted and unpacked.
Cindy Davis recently posted…Stacking the Shelves #70, Sunday Post #67, Sunday Salon #61
I just moved as well and am STRESSED OUT by all my books and bookcases, LOL
No such thing as too many books, just too few bookshelves. Enjoy your unpacking. Come see my week here. Happy reading!