Weekly Wrap-up is where I share happenings on the blog, books I have read or acquired recently. I link to Caffeinated Book Reviewer, The Book Date Reading Reality and, Tynga’s Reviews
Off The Blog
It has been a very long time since I did a weekly update or really even blogged for that matter. I’ve been busy, just not with reading or blogging. I got engaged on New Year’s and have slowly been planning our wedding for next year. With the ever changing restrictions due to Covid it has been an interesting navigation.
I have no new posts on the blog this week, but not for lack of trying. I was doing an update and WordPress ate my blog. Fortunately, I had a back-up. My fiancee helped me through my freak-out and we were able to restore my site. However, there will be no evidence that I participated in Dewey’s Reverse Readathon or a To-Be Read Poll. I’m not much of a night owl so didn’t fare well with starting a readathon at 7pm. However, I was able to finish The Push by Ashley Audrain. It was fantastic and will post a review later this week.
This Week I Read

Currently Reading:

Up Next

Checked Out

Congratulations on your engagement! And sorry tohear about the blog snafu though- that must have been frustrating, although thank goodness you were able to get it back up. Yikes…
I like readathons but haven’t done one in ages.
Greg recently posted…Sunday Post 413
Thank you! The blog snafu was a little stressful, I was super relieved it was such an easy fix. Thank goodness for back-ups.
Whitney recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up #130
Congrats on the engagement! Sometimes real life has to take priority over the blogging and even the reading! I’m glad your fiance was able to help retrieve your blog, that’s not the kind of panic anyone needs. I’ve been dying to read The Push as well, so I’ll have to drop by to read your thoughts on it! The Bad Seed also looks very intriguing! I hope you have a lovely week
Juli @ A Universe in Words
Thank you. Yes, sometimes real life takes priority. Although, I’m glad I’m getting back into it; I didn’t realize how much I’d missed blogging. I hope you get around to reading The Push, I thought it was a cancel-your-plans-today kind of read. The Bad Seed is also a great creepy read with a campy movie to accompany it.
Whitney recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up #130
Congratulations! It’s been a struggle for me to post this year as well. I’m glad to hear you enjoyed The Push. I’ve been on the fence about picking that one up.
Jennifer | Book Den recently posted…Recent Updates and Currently Reading | August 8
Thank you. Blogging slumps are the worst, but I think they come in waves for everyone. I really enjoyed The Push. I think this is partly because it reminded me of The Bad Seed which I also loved. If you are on the fence I’d say go for it!
Whitney recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up #130
Congratulations on your engagement! That’s very exciting. So sorry about the WordPress issues, but isn’t it nice to have a partner in life who can help!
Thank you! It was very nice to have someone there to help me through my WordPress problem; particularly since I’m not that tech-savvy.
Whitney recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up #130
Happy engagement! Ooo, didn’t know The Bad Seed film was based on this book. Curious to read it now.
Thank you, The Bad Seed novel is better than the movie. Because of the Hays Code they had to change the ending of the film and it isn’t as eerie or satisfying as the original. Definitely worth the read.
Whitney recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up #130
Ugh, sorry about the blog, but wow! Congrats on being engaged! I’m excited to start reading The Push!
Thank you. I’m glad the blog issue was such an easy fix, I have a new appreciation for backups. I hope you enjoy The Push.
Whitney recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up #130
Congrats on your engagement! Hope you enjoy your books and have a great week!
Thank you! I’m really looking forward to starting The Invisible Life of Addie Larue, and rereading The Bad Seed for the twentieth time.
Whitney recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up #130
Congratulations on your engagement! Sorry to hear that WordPress was being difficult but glad to hear the problem was solved. Come see my week here. Happy reading!
Thank you Kathy. Self-hosted can be a little nerve-wracking sometimes. Although, it is highly possible that I hit the wrong button and WordPress was responding to my lack of tech-savviness. Either way, I’m glad we could solve the issue.
Whitney recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up #130
Congratulations on your engagement, and I’m so glad you were able to navigate through the blog disappearance freak-out. Most of us that have blogged for any length of time have done something similar. Interesting to see what you’re reading – enjoy!
Thank you Kym! It’s nice to know I’m not alone in the blogging freak-out experience. Fortunately, it all turned out okay.
Whitney recently posted…Audiobook Review: Nightbitch by Rachel Yoder