Weekly Wrap-up is where I share happenings on the blog, books I have read or acquired recently. I link to Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Off The Blog
Last week, I mentioned that my boyfriend and I had put in an application for an apartment and on Friday learned we are in the approval process! We are both pretty hyped about it, but it’s a tad scary as we need everything, not to mention that we both hate shopping.
Plastic-free July
I’m continuing my month of going plastic free. I’m just going to come out and say it, going completely plastic free in a month is not going to happen for me, however I’ve reduced it substantially. I’m really trying to eliminate the pre-packaged food in my refrigerator. Although, this practice means that I added five plastic food bags to the garbage this week, plus an empty of coconut oil which was recycled. I’ve also been avoiding buying single drinks at the store or movie theater and I have been making an effort to go strawless when ordering drinks at a restaurant.
Last Week on the Blog
This Week on the Blog
This Week I Read
Currently reading
Congrats on the apartment! And going plastic free is tough but I think it’s awesome you’re doing that.
Hope you have a nice weekend.
Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #254
Yay for your new apartment. And going plastic free would be tough for me but I love that your trying
Have a great week
Megan @ reading away the days recently posted…Blog Posts & Book Haul
Good luck in your new home. I am really impressed with the plastic-free, I am not sure I could do it, but it’s a very worthy thing.
Congrats on the apartment! And on the plastic, even if you didn’t manage to go completely plastic free at least you reduced it drastically which is an improvement.
Suzanne @ Under the Covers Book Blog recently posted…Kindle Unlimited Recommendations (2)
Congrats on the new apartment!! Hope you enjoy your current reads and have a fabulous week.
Congrats on getting the apartment…enjoy the move! LOL
I stopped using those plastic water bottles a while ago, but it is definitely more inconvenient to carry around a substitute drink container.
But…it’s for the environment!
Enjoy your week, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES
Congrats on the up-coming move! Very exciting.
Enjoy your new place! I love that process of getting everything organized the way I want it. My brother came to help me the last time for a few days and we ended up at Walmart like every day for something. It was a joke – what do we need at Walmart today? I commend your reducing plastic. I’m horrible about it. We do recycle more than goes into trash but still. Anne – Books of My Heart
Congrats on the apartment. Check craigslist or equivalent for free furniture, housewares, etc. Have a happy reading week.
Plastic free wow, that must be super hard. I should try this. We recycle so much but I still don’t feel like this is enough. Have a wonderful week!
Mary my #SundayRoundup #27!
It’s all about the effort. Well done!
Angelica @ Paperback Princess
Congrats on your apartment and on reducing your plastic. I’ve failed pretty hard at plastic-free July, too. It’s really difficult.
Aj @ Read All The Things! recently posted…The Sunday Post #155
Going plastic free is an amazing goal. I have so much plastic in my house that I don’t think there’s any way I could do it. But kudos to you!
Megan @ Ginger Mom and the Kindle Quest recently posted…Road Trip Readathon Update | #BookChat