Weekly Wrap-Up #111

Posted July 8, 2018 by Whitney in Weekly Wrap-Up / 21 Comments

Weekly Wrap-up is where I share happenings on the blog, books I have read or acquired recently. I link to Caffeinated Book Reviewer,

Off The Blog

To celebrate the fourth my boyfriend and I went up to my family’s cabin for a few days.  Unfortunately, it was pretty buggy so we didn’t get to enjoy the great outdoors but I did get some reading done.

The bf and I are also in the process of apartment hunting which is super fun. During our search, Zach would consistently tease me as after every apartment we looked at I would Google its proximity to the local library. After a frustrating few weeks, we’ve found an apartment, it is within walking distance to the library which in my opinion makes it perfect. We are now in the waiting game of the approval process.

Plastic Free July

This month I’m participating in “Plastic Free July”.  I haven’t been doing too bad on the plastic front.  One of the first changes I made was to switch from tea bags to loose leaf.  I wasn’t aware that those pretty mesh tea bags contain plastic, not to mention the disposable packet some come in.  While I should have realized it, it still blew my mind.  Actually, I’ve found I prefer loose leaf and don’t plan on returning to bagged tea in August.  It has a stronger flavor with more varieties than tea bags and, I can use the same leaves multiple times.  I also purchased a reusable water bottle (which I filled with homemade iced tea for my drive this week).  I did throw away/recycle two plastic water bottles from the car, but I hope with my Klean Kanteen that will be a thing of the past.

I’ve used reusable shopping/produce bags for a while so plastic bags from the grocery store haven’t been a problem, although my eyes have opened to the plastic in frozen food. the amount of waste used for “convenance sake” is insane and once I clean out my fridge of them, frozen food will not enter my freezer again.  Eating cleaner is better for you and the environment so it only makes sense to make that change.

Overall, I think I’m going alright. I’ve kept my waste to a minimum and have also discovered ways to reduce it more, which I will practice in the future.  It is defiantly a learning experience.

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Weekly Wrap-Up #111Pages: 243
Weekly Wrap-Up #111

21 responses to “Weekly Wrap-Up #111

  1. Proximity to the library seems important. 🙂 Definitely a good criteria to use. Good luck with geting approved!

    • That might be a bit far, good luck on selling your apartment though. My plastic free July has been going alright, my biggest change so far was substituting tea bags for loose leaf and switching from plastic water bottles to reusable. Baby steps as they say.
      Whitney recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up #111My Profile

    • I was surprised too, it is in the meshbags and the little tag attached to the end of the string some companys include. I plan on writing a post about it later this month. Thanks for the encouragement on the apartment!
      Whitney recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up #111My Profile

    • I was surprised by the plastic in tea bags as well, it was certainly a wake-up call. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to go completely plastic-free this month but I definately plan to reduce it. Thanks for commenting!
      Whitney recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up #111My Profile

  2. I loved that Picoult book…and I can totally relate to Googling the neighborhood you are looking into…Whenever I think of moving, I realize that I love my proximity to all the things I enjoy.

    Good luck with the apartment.

    Thanks for sharing, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    • I drink a lot of tea too and my mind was blown as well. Plastic is typically used to seal the mesh bags together and can sometimes be found in the string/tag. I made the decision to switch to loose leaf after reading that and I actually prefer it, the flavors are much stronger and I’m able to reuse the same leafs for several cups of tea.
      Whitney recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up #111My Profile

  3. Plastic free is fantastic. There’s more awareness around it now. We no longer have plastic bags in our grocery store, unless you buy it for 15c. I really don’t think they should offer that. Just cloth bags and yes it’s more expensive but people will most likely to remember to bring their own, whereas no one cares about 15c.

    It’s quite hard to do it when many food manufacturers still use ALOT of plastics! Even to buy fruit and vege you have to put into plastic.

    It’s a slow process but we are definitely heading in the right direction.

    See you at Deweys!

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