Weekly Wrap-Up #108

Posted April 8, 2018 by Whitney in Weekly Wrap-Up / 8 Comments

Weekly Wrap-up is where I share happenings on the blog, books I have read or acquired recently. I link to Caffeinated Book Reviewer, Tynga’s Reviews,The Book Date

Off The Blog

I took a very long break from blogging and came back refreshed and ready to start anew. I came back with a few ideas which you can read about in my post A Change in Direction.  Otherwise, the week has been very laidback which is never a bad thing.

Last Week on the Blog

This Week I Read

Books I Acquired

8 responses to “Weekly Wrap-Up #108

  1. Sometimes all you need is a fresh restart. Change is good! I am hoping this puts you in a good blogging place. I was suffering with the blog last year and just wasn’t sure I could do it anymore. One of my Blogger BFF’s let me know she was leaving and I told her she couldn’t and we joined forces on my blog which turned out to be the best thing for both of us and our love of blogging. So sometimes change is needed.

    I hope you have a great week, Whitney and Welcome back! 🙂
    Michelle @Because Reading recently posted…It’s beginning to look a lot like winter….wait! what?~ WIR & SPMy Profile

  2. Glad to see you back! Breaks and new beginnings are sometimes good to keep things refreshed or whatever. And I want to read As You Wish! I keep forgetting about that book but love the movie!
    Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #240My Profile

  3. Hi there! I just found you for the first time from the Sunday Post, and I’m so happy to see you like a lot of the same books I do. Yay! I totally understand the need for breaks and a change in direction to make blogging something you actually still want to do. I’m going through something similar. Happy reading and blogging!

  4. I have taken a break a few times and recently had to take a break for almost a year. I look forward to your review of Truly, Madly, Guilty. HAppy blogging

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