In conjunction with Bloggiesta, I am participating in a mini-challenge hosted by Guiltless Reading which focuses on receiving blogging advice. The official description is:
Something about your blog weighing on your mind? Do you have ideas but want to bounce them off a few more people before taking the plunge? Do you want some advice, input, resources, or just to another opinion?
Simply write a post on your blog describing your situation and what type of input you want. End your post with:
Give me some advice or suggestions on ____.
Recently I switched over from Blogger to Self-Hosted WordPress. While aesthetically, I have my blog the way I’d like it my next step is making sure it is user-friendly. It is of course easy for me to see, as I know where everything is on the site ie follow options, archives, search bar etc. but what does it look like to an outsider, is it easy to navigate and aesthetically pleasing?
Therefore my “give me advice or suggestions” is:
- Is the blog easy to navigate
- Should I add a divider between posts to differentiate each one. I think it feels a little “run on” at the moment and may look neater.
Thank you in advance for any input!
I think it is user friendly. I think the divider is more of a personal thing. I have everything boxed but that is actually considered “old school” (I just like that look). Right now the journal type of blog is very popular.
Hey there!
I think you could go either way with a divider. You’re blog is already pretty clean looking so it’s not like people are searching to find the beginning to different posts.
So far as I’m clicking through, your blog seems really easy to navigate. The key is always organizing everything into different sections which you seemed to have done.
It’s also great that you have your social media buttons high up on your sidebar and in your posts. That’s makes it much more likely people will share.
Hopefully I helped!
Thanks so much for joining the mini challenge
I think your blog is super easy to navigate! It’s very clean and straightforward and I appreciate that as a reader. I personally don’t like the boxed look (and so I don’t like dividers), but that’s a personal preference and has nothing to do with user friendliness. Just my impressions! Hope it helps!
I think your blog arrangement makes sense and is easy to navigate. I don’t think a divider between post snippets on the home page is strictly necessary, but depending on how it looks it could be a good addition. I am a huge fan of clean, simple looking blogs so I would not change that about yours.
On my own blog, I’ve been removing clutter that few people seem to use. I took out the “Related Posts” widget because no one seemed to be clicking on it. But I might put it back…I like the IDEA of people being able to find related content if they want to.
My 2cents — I like the simplicity of the page set up… clean lines. The boxes help define each section. I also loved the list of reviews by title and author! Very useful. It is obvious you have taken the time to get your blog organized. Thumbs up!
I think your blog is very easy to navigate. I really don’t think the divider is necessary because you can tell where one post starts and the next ends fairly easily, but the divider will be personal preference really and is entirely up to you. If you decide you feel you need it, then you can put it in and see how it looks and feels. I wouldn’t even begin to know how to put in a divider! Kudos to you on the UBB plugin. I just purchased it as well and am in the process of putting in all my old reviews as well. In fact, I just bought it at midnight! I figured, it’s Bloggiesta and I am updating things anyway, so why not, right? Good luck with your goals.
I think your blog is very user friendly. I like the commenting system. And, I like how you have summaries of each of your posts on your blog. It makes it easier to see which post I want to read.
I find your blog easy to navigate. Your menu is clear, and you sidebar isn’t cluttered and I can easily find recent reviews. Since you have posts other than reviews, you might want to add a widget for recent posts. Maybe the last 5-7, this way folks can find posts like this