As of late, I’ve been signing up for read-a-thons and when they approach I drop them due to comintments made in the interim. These are two I know I can keep.
It’s almost time y’all! That special time that happens every single year…My birthday! Yup, I know you all have it marked down in your calendars..(well technically you might because it’s Veteran’s Day) but I know you all have crossed the Veteran’s part out and put Melissa over it…right?
For my birthday this year I am going to do a read-a-thon! I started out thinking it will be a personal one, but then decided why not invite all y’all nice internet peoples to join me! If more than 3 people join up, I’ll even do challenges and prizes! Woot!
Soo…if you are interested please sign the linky below.
- Readathon starts on November 10th at 5am CST (or whenever)
- Ends on November 11th 11pm CST (or whenever) * I’m all flexible that way*
- Posting is not required, but would be super cool!
- I have 1 challenge/prize picked out (so far), so in order to win it/participate you have to be signed up.
And to post any reviews/books I may finish it is followed by…

Sit Down and Write 2 hosted by The True Book Addict
This write-a-thon is for any writing you need to get done. If you’re working on a novel and, perhaps, participating in NaNoWriMo next month (like me–buddy up with me–thetruebookaddict), it’s for you. If you have a ton of reviews to write coming off of (or during) the many read-a-thons that are always going on, this is perfect for you. Any writing you need to get done…this is the thon to really buckle down. I’m not going to be hosting any mini-challenges, but I will have check-in linkies posted every few days, if you are so inclined to share your progress. You can link to your reviews or your progress posts. Our Twitter hashtag is #sitdownwrite If you’re game for a couple Twitter chats, let me know in the comments.
Due to input from participants last time, the write-a-thon will now run for two weeks! Starting and end times are the usual: Monday (11/12) 12:01am CST until Sunday (11/25) 11:59pm CST.
Yay, glad you are joining me for the write-a-thon! I'm doing Melissa's read-a-thon too, of course. Hey, I made her a new button if you want to go over to her blog and grab it. =O)