I’m in the middle of my yearly reread of Harry Potter and came across my favorite line in The Prisoner of Azkaban, spoken by Snape “Turn to Page 394.” Part of this is due to Alan Rickman’s delivery although even without Rickman’s silky voice it is a great line. Upon this read a thought popped into my head, this would be a great idea for a meme.
Similar to Friday 56, Turn to Page 394 requires turning to page 394 and sharing a sentence, passage or whatever strikes your fancy on that particular page. If there is any interest stop by next Tuesday and Turn to Page 394 with me.
Hi Whitney,
I don’t generally take part in the ‘Friday 56’, as I am with Gilion over at Rose City Reader, taking part in the ‘Book Beginnings On Friday’ meme.
Similarly, Tuesdays generally belong to Ambrosia at The Purple Booker, who hosts ‘Teaser Tuesday’.
There are just so many great memes to get involved with, so I am quite open to dividing my posts and alternating my allegiances occasionally.
I shall make a note of your meme now, so thanks for sharing and Good Luck with the launch
Cute one. This coming Tuesday is booked. May give this a go my next available Tuesday.