Top Ten Tuesday Hosted by The Broke and Bookish
This is going to sound sick, but I love threesome romances in literature, but not in a Fifty Shades of Grey kind of way.
- Krum/Hermione/Ron: who wouldn’t love a Hogwarts threesome? Ron’s insecurities/resentment about the nature of Hermione’s relationship with Krum is actually a little cute and shows the students of Hogwarts are growing up.
- Ashley/Scarlet/Rhett: To quote Kristy Alley, Ashley and Scarlet have an emotional love affair, with nothing more than a wet dream as Ashley is to chicken to go through with it. Rhett is just dashing and awesomeness and totally made for Scarlet. How Scarlet ever fell for that runt next to Rhett I will never know.
- Linton/Cathy/Heathcliff & Cathy/Islabelle/Heathcliff: How could I not include the Wuthering Heights threesome? They are the couple(s) you love to hate and are screaming at the pages at what morons they are. In short, it is all so fucked-up but entertaining at the same time.
- Smeagol/Precious/Gollum: Okay, so this is really a threesome between one person and a piece of jewlery, and therefore is totally wack but I just love Smeagol/Gollum he is one of the best villains out there.
- Edward/Bella/Jacob: I really don’t get the Twilight phenomenon but I love this high school romance thing Stephanie Meyer has going on. I’m team Jacob in case you were curious.
- Gale/Katniss/Peeta: How can I neglect The Hunger Games if Harry Potter and Twilight are on the list. This trilogy (along with its threesome) rocks! Go Peeta!
- Humbert Humbert/Lolita/Clair Quilty: Yes disgusting but still the truth.
Ewww on that last one
I love this idea! And well done finding 7! Totally agree about your last one – Humbert and Lolita were on my list too
This was a great way to do this week's list! I think #4 is particularly clever!
I absolutely adore your take on the this topic. It had me laughing out loud!
Your list is so clever! I am not a big fan of the old triangle, but I did enjoy the Summer series by Jenny Han. That was a total triangle. With brothers. Poor girl.
Don't forget THE classic triangle: Arthur/Guinevere/Lancelot (under whatever names they appear.) Mary Stewart's Arthurian cycle depicts this tragic threesome really well.
Oh, and by the way… LOVE your blog title and header!
I'm just like you… I LOVE love triangles! You have a great list!
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Halee @ Confessions of a Book Addict
My Top Ten