Posted February 5, 2013 by Whitney in Top Ten Tuesday / 8 Comments
- This is really more of my parent’s memory, but when I was a baby they put down a buck, a beer and a book and depending on which order I went to them would determine my personality later. I crawled to the book first, followed by the buck and beer. This described my demeanor perfectly, I’m a bookworm who hoards money under her mattress and thinks beer tastes like tar.
- My parents reading aloud to my brother and I before we went to bed.
- Receiving my first copy of Little Women from my uncle when I was nine.
- Going to the midnight release party at Borders for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I didn’t dress up as Hermione but did get a free pair of Harry Potter glasses.
- When I was in middle school my parents took my brother and I to a book signing of Jimmy Carter’s Christmas in Plains, he said it was nice to see young people there.
- Going a book signing of Bill Clinton’s memoir My Life. I waited in line for 7 1/2 hours to shake his hand. He said he liked my John Lennon t-shirt and I vaguely remember saying thank you.
- Discovering Jane Austen in High School
- Reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire for the first time (in one sitting)
- Reading the Little House books over and over and over again. + visiting her house in Mansfield, Missouri when I was 15.
- Starting this blog
I loved evening storytime before bed, great times
Wish I went to a midnight premiere of anything, I was never allowed.
Nice memories.
Thanks for stopping by
Cant believe you read HP&GoF in one sitting! Thats a good-sized read, you're a champ!
Okay, I LOVE the book, buck and beer story. I would hope very strongly that had my parents done that, I'd have picked the same order! Books are awesome, beer is gross, money is a joyless necessity, simple as that.
Great list. Did you see the article about Mary Ingalls, Laura Ingall Wilder's sister and why she might have been blind?
Following you
Jane Austen is amazing, isn't she. Pride and Prejudice is my favorite book ever. I still have read Little Women, but it is one of my goals this year. I need to read it!!!
Thanks for sharing
New follower!
Loved your Harry Potter memories. Some of those were mine as well.
Halee @ Confessions of a Book Addict
Top Ten
I love the first one! And Little Women and the Little House books are on my list as well. Great list!
Aww, midnight book releases for HP was one of my memories too!