My TBR Meme is hosted by Michelle at Because Reading, this monthly meme’s purpose to help tackle one’s ever-growing tbr. On the first Saturday of each month participants post three books from their to-read list and allow others to vote on what they should read next. The following Saturday, the winning book is revealed with a review of said book posted on the last Saturday of the month.
This Month’s Candidates

And the Winner Is…a tie!

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Ooh a tie! How do you pick which to read first?
Seriously though- hope they’re both good!!
Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #245
It was a tad difficult because they both sound good. My deciding fact was length, The Bell Jar is 7 hrs compared to Brideshead Revisited which is over 11. I’m halfway through The Bell Jar now (I had a 4hr car trip this weekend) and I’m loving it so far. Maybe if I’m lucky I’ll get through Evelyn Waugh’s novel too.
Whitney recently posted…Bout of Books 22