Thursday Tea is a weekly meme hosted by Anastasia at Birdbrain{ed} Book Blog. To play along, all you need is some tea, a book, and the will to answer some very simple questions: what tea are you drinking (and do you like it)? What book are you reading (and do you like it)? Tell us a little about your tea and your book, and whether or not the two go together.
The Book:
Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
The title or “catch phrase” really says it all, “A Civilization Gone with the Wind”. Or, Scarlett O’Hara is the epitome of a young southern girl, pretty, vivacious and naive to the world around her. All that changes when the civil war begins throwing away all that she once held dear. This small description doesn’t even begin to cover the fantasticalness of Gone with the Wind but will have to do for a short summary.
The Tea:
I love trying new {but mostly} black teas but somehow I always come back to Twinings. Here’s what they say about their Irish Breakfast Tea:
“A strong, full-bodied black tea from the regions of Ceylon and Assam expertly blended with a hearty flavor and delightful aroma.”
The Assessment:
I just can’t see Scarlett O’Hara sitting down to a nice cup of tea. She seems to be much too concerened on the Tarleton boys or the lastest bonnet that has gone into fashion. Maybe as the book progresses, but I still highly doubt it. Melanie Hamilton Wilkes seems more the tea drinking type.
I am seriously out of the Gone with the Wind loop! I haven't even seen the movie, for Pete's sake. I need to fix that ASAP, lol.
LOL! At least see the movie, it's really fantastic!
Clark Gable+Rhett Butler=Love
I've always felt guilty about not having read Gone With The Wind yet
I keep telling myself I'll read it soon..Hopefully, I do manage to read it!