The Last Mrs Parrish

Posted October 24, 2018 by Whitney in Review / 2 Comments

The Last Mrs ParrishThe Last Mrs. Parrish
by Liv Constantine
Pages: 390
Published by Harper
Publication Date October 17th 2017

Amber Patterson is fed up. She’s tired of being a nobody: a plain, invisible woman who blends into the background. She deserves more—a life of money and power like the one blond-haired, blue-eyed goddess Daphne Parrish takes for granted.

To everyone in the exclusive town of Bishops Harbor, Connecticut, Daphne—a socialite and philanthropist—and her real-estate mogul husband, Jackson, are a couple straight out of a fairy tale.

Amber’s envy could eat her alive . . . if she didn't have a plan. Amber uses
Daphne’s compassion and caring to insinuate herself into the family’s life—the first step in a meticulous scheme to undermine her. Before long, Amber is Daphne’s closest confidante, traveling to Europe with the Parrishes and their lovely young daughters, and growing closer to Jackson. But a skeleton from her past may undermine everything that Amber has worked towards, and if it is discovered, her well-laid plan may fall to pieces. 

With shocking turns and dark secrets that will keep you guessing until the very end, The Last Mrs. Parrish is a fresh, juicy, and utterly addictive thriller from a diabolically imaginative talent.


The Last Mrs Parrish started out strong. It dropped breadcrumbs I eagerly picked up in my quest to learn what Amber’s motive was.  Sadly, that trail quickly dried up and I began sighing like Bella Swan in Twilight.  The novel became like any other domestic thriller.  However, despite the fact that the plot had been done to death and the characters lacked any dimension, I read on.  I was curious how it would end up. Unfortunately, the big reveal to Amber’s past was less than lackluster. I was disappointed not only by the novel’s conclusion but also by the time I had invested.

Reading Progress


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2 responses to “The Last Mrs Parrish

    • The domestic violence theme really reminded me of Big Little Lies which made the plot even more repetitive. I did think the book had good pacing which is why I carried on. I guess you can’t win them all!
      Whitney recently posted…The Last Mrs ParrishMy Profile

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