The Fairy Tale Read-a-Thon Begins

Posted March 9, 2013 by Whitney in read-a-thon / 5 Comments

The Fairy Tale Read-a-Thon hosted by Debz Bookshelf is starting in a few hours, a whole week dedicated to fairy tales.  
Have I ever mentioned that I was a huge Snow White fan growing up?  Thanks to Disney, I think Snow White is by far the best and most under appreciated Princess there is, but I have never read the Grimm’s Fairy Tale.  That’s right, never.  I’ve stuck to “Someday You’ll Prince will come” and never ventured further.  Thus, I am making it a Snow White-a-Thon, reading the original story plus some retellings.

I am going out of town on Friday so I can only participate through Thursday, but here’s what’s on the queue.  I hope to read a least two.
  1. Snow White by The Brothers Grimm
  2. Mirror Mirror by Gregory Maguire
  3. Fairest by Gail Carson Levine
  4. Snow Whyte and the Queen of Mayhem by Melissa Lemon
I’ll also be using this post to track my progress/updates throughout the read-a-thon
Starting Stats:
Currently Reading: Snow White by the Brothers Grimm
Starting Page: 1
Time Started: 8:30 am
Day One 3/9
Books Read:
Snow White by Brothers Grimm
Pages Read: 22
Time Read: 30 minutes
Review Writing: 1 hour
Time Commenting: 20 minutes
Caffeine Intake: 1

Day One Overview:
Okay, so not much reading done, but I’m glad that I finally read Grimm’s Snow White.  I also wrote my review for the story which took more time than I spent reading it!  I forget how time consuming that can be.  Despite the lack of reading I’m pleased to have a review up and scheduled to go.

Day Two 3/10
Currently Reading: Fairest by Gail Carson Levine
Books Read: 0
Time Read: 2 hours
Pages Read: 100
Time Commenting: 10 minutes
Caffeine Intake: 1

Day Two Overview:
While 2 hours isn’t much 100 pages in a day is (at least for me).  So far, I’m very much enjoying Fairest this far and appears to be a fun retelling of Snow White.  I also caught Ever After on TV (the ’98 Drew Barrymore one) and while it was cute didn’t think think it transferred that well.  With all the fairy tale retellings that have come out since then it wasn’t exactly memorable.

Day Three 3/11
Currently Reading: Fairest by Gail Carson Levine
Books Read:
Time Read: 30 minutes
Pages Read:30
Time Commenting:
Caffeine Intake: 1

5 responses to “The Fairy Tale Read-a-Thon Begins

  1. That's great 🙂 The last read-a-thon I did that, read/re-read the original fairy tales along with the re-tellings, it was lots of fun 🙂

    I hope you'll reach your goal & have fun 🙂

    Happy reading!

  2. I agree that Snow White is the most under appreciated Princess (the fact that Disney acts like Cinderella is their original Princess half the time probably doesn't help). I'm also hoping to get to Fairest this week. Good Luck!

  3. I love the idea of making it a Snow White-a-thon! You have great books lined up. Fairest is one of my childhood favorites. I don't think I'm familiar with Mirror Mirror, so I'll have to check it out.

    Happy read-a-thoning!

  4. I loved Fairest. It was a great twist on Snow White. The Full Cast audio version of it is very entertaining. Focusing on just Snow White is a great idea! Good luck with your books!

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