by Carolyn Keene
Published by Penguin
Publication Date July 15, 2010
Source: Library
Genres: Young Adult
Nancy uses a lost diary to exonerate an innocent prisoner.
Okay, so Nancy finds a diary during a house fire and believes there could be a clue in it to find the arsonist. (hence, the title) while leaving the scene, her car is in an accident and meets Ned Nickerson — Yay! He falls head-over heals in disgusting puppy love and will do anything to help solve the case. As in every Nancy Drew book she has a charity case, The Swensons, whose father/husband has gone on the job hunt and not sending money! Of course this sends Nancy on another case –Yippee and in turn helps with the first, the mysterious house fire of the disliked Raybolts. Then the Nancy Drew normal happens, the charity case goes all “Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi you our hope” minus the cinnamon-bun hair-do. Nancy saves both intertwining case and all is right in the world again.
I liked this installment, I didn’t love it but it was a good read-in-a-day book. I really liked that Ned has come into the picture now, someone who will probably be on the same level of mystery-solving instead of her friends George and Bess, who basically follow Nancy around and take the incentive. The Clue in the Diary was clever, well thought-out and an enjoyable read. Carolyn Keene is starting to branch out from a “Clue” kind of mystery crime solving i.e. Mr. Mustard, in the library with the revolver; giving a deeper storyline and developing Nancy’ character. She is not just some girl who runs around solving mysteries, but a thought-provoking, intelligent wanna-be-your-best-friend kind of girl.
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