The Classic Club Readathon

Posted January 5, 2013 by Whitney in read-a-thon / 8 Comments

Classics Club Readathon January 2013
In just a little bit I will be beginning The Classics Club’s first ever readathon.
My goal is to aim for 10 hours, I know already that I wouldn’t be reading the full 24 because I already have plans for dinner and a movie (I’m rooting for Les Miserables)  Anyway, the clock is ticking down but in the meantime I’ll fill out this short meme.

  1. Snacks and Beverages of Choice: Tea, Water, Yogurt (I’m trying to be good)
  2. Where are you reading from today? At home in a chair by the fire
  3. What are your goals for the Readathon? To have fun!
  4. What book(s) are you planning on reading?  Little House Series by Laura Ingalls Wilder, Lady Susan by Jane Austen, Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
  5. Are you excited? Yes!
I will be keeping track of my progress here instead of bogging down my blog (and google readers) with numerous posts.
Starting Stats:
Currently Reading: Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Starting Page: 5
Beverage: Tea
Starting Time: 7am

8 responses to “The Classic Club Readathon

  1. The Little House books were some of my favorites–I read them over and over, I loved them so much. Great Expectations is one of my favorite Dickens novels–I haven't read Lady Susan, so I'll check back to see what you think of it! Have a great day–Harriet

  2. I hope you're enjoying the readathon! Great Expectations is a special favourite of mine, so I hope you'll get to it. In the meantime: happy reading!

  3. 10 hours would be extremely impressive, I think I've managed about 3 so far and it's already 5.15pm here (and I have dinner plans). But I've enjoyed it, hope you are enjoying it too.

  4. I loved the Little House series (book and TV show) when I was young.
    I've been trying to work out the best way to post updates and I like your idea of keeping it in one post – thanks.
    Good luck
    Brona's Books

  5. How did your readathon go? I had a great time, but now I'm only just getting around to comment! I was so into All the Pretty Horses. I ended up going to bed fairly early (midnight I think) and finishing my book in the morning.

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