Tea Review: Rishi English Breakfast Tea

Posted May 18, 2019 by Whitney in Uncategorized / 0 Comments

Tea Review: Rishi English Breakfast TeaEnglish Breakfast Tea
Date Read Black
Actors Rishi

Our English Breakfast highlights tea from the Chiang Dao region of Northern Thailand, where we source from some of the best Assamica variety tea gardens in the world. The high elevation garden we source from has premier tea plant genetic strains from Assam and Kenya, as well as local wild Thai tea trees that have been comingling and hybridizing for over six decades. The result is a lush and biodiverse growing environment with tea plants that are truly unique.

Our English Breakfast has a rich red infusion color that is malty and robust with sweet fruity undertones and a brisk body that can stand up to milk and sugar. By comparison, our China Breakfast is intended to be more mellow, caramel-sweet and is designed to be smooth enough to drink straight up without milk and sugar.

I’ve been looking for a loose leaf breakfast tea. Due to my newly discovered love for Rishi and the fact that it is from Milwaukee, I thought I would give it a try.

Upon first sip I tasted bergamot instead of dates and raisin which was more reminiscent of an Earl Grey. I’m not a huge fan of Earl Grey so I let the tea grow cold. And then I tried it again. The bergamot taste was milder and was pleasant as a cold brew.

The next morning, I decided to give it a second steep and enjoyed it more than the first. The raisins were more pronounced and left a tart, brisk after taste. I will be very interested to see how the flavors would marry after a third steeping, as I feel this is a tea that will evolve each time.

Final Impressions

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