Sunday Post #99

Posted July 16, 2017 by Whitney in Weekly Wrap-Up / 17 Comments

Sunday PostSunday Post hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer is a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

Off The Blog

I’ve been in and out of blogging this summer. Time has flown by and I’m ready to jump back into the game. As for life off the blog, my mom broke her ankle over the fourth of July and after being dubbed “her minion” we are binge watching Grey’s Anatomy together.

Last Week on the Blog
This Week on the Blog
On a closing note:

Lastly, next week I will be starting a weekly meme on Tuesday entitled Turn to Page 394 Tuesday. You can read about it here, but the gist is to turn to page 394 of any book and share a line or two.


17 responses to “Sunday Post #99

  1. Sorry to hear about your mom breaking her ankle! Hope she has a quick recovery! And I like the sound of your new meme- looks fun. Anything that is bookish- quote related is always good!

    Ooh the High Summer readathon is here. Almost forgot about that one.

  2. Sorry to hear about your mom’s ankle, but that’s great that you guys are watching Grey’s together. I hope you have a good week ahead!

  3. Oh no, sorry to hear about your Mom. Hope it heals quickly. The new meme sounds pretty good!

    Happy reading.
    Jenea’s Book Obsession

  4. Oh no! I hope being a minion isn’t too terrible troubling. Hope your mom takes it easy and rests up. I was out of blogging almost all summer. I tried to make a return and then my laptop met a milky death. I’ve been writing reviews ALL week long. I’m finally done!

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