Sunday Post #94

Posted December 3, 2016 by Whitney in Weekly Wrap-Up / 17 Comments

Sunday Post

Sunday Post hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer is a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

Off The Blog

This week I have been binge watching the original Gilmore Girls. After seeing the reboot last weekend, I felt the need to watch the series all over again and analyze it now that I have seen the way Amy Sherman-Palladino intended it to end. Yes, I am just that nerdy.

Last Week on the Blog

This Week on the Blog

Also, if you’re a fan of Jane Austen please consider joining my All About Austen Reading Challenge in 2017. click on the button below to go to the sign-up post.


17 responses to “Sunday Post #94

  1. I’ve never seen the show but how cool is it that they came back and did more? And then fans can go back and watch the original with that added nuance. I wish more shows could do that lol.

    Have a great weekend!
    Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #171My Profile

    • I feel like Netflix is revamping all the shows 30somethings watched growing up, what will be next Saved by the Bell? It is fun to go back though so I’m not complaining!

  2. I just started watching Gilmore Girls last week – I never watched it before – and now I’m up to season three, I think – lol. Have a great week.

  3. I never did watch Gilmore Girls. We only had the one television set (living room) when it was on and my parents ruled the remote control lol. I’m glad you enjoyed it’s return. Maybe I should finally give a season a try.
    Have a great week Whitney.
    Here’s my Sunday Post

    • Yep, Gilmore Girls isn’t exactly a unisex/all ages kind of show so I can understand that. I do have to say that watching it now I am realizing how unlikeable Rory and Lorelai but the snappy dialogue makes up for it.

    • Gilmore Girls does seem to be all the rage right now and it is a great show to binge. Also, thank you for your interest in the Jane Austen Challenge.

  4. I haven’t watched The Gilmore Girls. I am under a rock where television and movies are concerned. I was wondering why so many people were watching the series. I have seen it all over the place. Something to do with a reboot?
    Toady recently posted…B.B. Weekly No. 7My Profile

    • Yes, the reboot has sparked a renewed interest in Gilmore Girls. I’m usually always behind on tv, unless it is on a streaming service I wait for shows to come out on DVD and spend a weekend getting caught up. Therefore, I’m always a season behind. Thanks for commenting!

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