Sunday Post #93

Posted November 26, 2016 by Whitney in Weekly Wrap-Up / 18 Comments

Sunday PostSunday Post hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer is a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

Off The Blog

I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving! Mine was very nice having my Dad’s side of the family over to our home. It was also my first Thanksgiving as a vegetarian and had no difficulty foregoing turkey this year and instead, reached for a second portion of deviled eggs.

Also, like most girls who grew up in the early 2000s, I binge watched the Gilmore Girl reboot this weekend.  The mini-series was a little lacking in the pizzaz the original series held and the scene with Rory, Logan and their college friends was utterly ridiculous.  However, as a whole it filled the fan’s need for a reunion.  I won’t go into spoilers for those who haven’t watched it but the last four words made sense to me, it created a full circle, and think they fit better now than they would have nine years ago.  Overall, it was six hours well spent.

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This Week on the Blog

Book Haul

The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane by


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18 responses to “Sunday Post #93

  1. Glad you had a good Thanksgiving, and that it posed no problem from a vegetarian standpoint! The Gilmore Girls reunion does seem to be very popular! Nice that they were able to revisit it and give fans another chance to see those characters.

    Looking forward to your Narnia post this week!
    Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #170My Profile

    • Thanks Greg, I’ve always prefered the sides at Thanksgiving so forgoing turkey wasn’t that difficult. The Gilmore Girls was really fun to watch and was nice revisiting Star’s Hallow. Thank you for commenting.

  2. I lived a long time as a vegetarian and found it the most difficult at Thanksgiving more than any other time, so I am glad to hear that you didn’t have the same difficulty.
    Lolita has been on my TBR for a long while, and I have vowed to finally pick it up and read it before years end, so I am off to read your review.
    Toady recently posted…B.B. Toady Weekly No. 6My Profile

  3. I have a feeling my daughter will eventually become a vegetarian, she loves vegetables and if you even mention what a steak is made of she sort of turns a nice shade of green. I think if she really thinks about it, it will happen soon. 🙂

    I have never watched the Gilmore Girls, I might check it out if I need a good binge series. It seems like everyone loves it but I have noticed a few people say it wasn’t what they expected. I am looking forward to season 2 of fuller house 🙂

    I hope you have a great week, Whitney! Happy Reading!
    Michelle @Because Reading recently posted…Turkey, Christmas and Blogging ~ WIR & TSPMy Profile

    • I became a vegetarian after I realized I wouldn’t want to eat my cat so why is it okay to eat a chicken. I think the change has been more difficult on my parents because of meal planning but we’ve made it work.

      I’m binge watching the original Gilmore Girls again after seeing the reboot, it is so witty and quick, I think it makes a great Netflix marathon. I had a suspicion about the final four words but it was nice to see how they delivered it. I also think they left it open for a re-reboot.

  4. Also binge-watched Gilmore Girls. And, as Deborah mentioned, that “Wookie” might figure into what happened to Rory. But then there was Logan. A conundrum.

    Now there must be more! Right?

    Although, yes, that Life and Death Brigade scenario could have gone on the “cutting room floor.”

    Deviled eggs sound good for Thanksgiving…or any time.

    Enjoy your week, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES
    Laurel-Rain Snow recently posted…AUTHOR’S HOME PAGEMy Profile

  5. I hope to get to Gilmore Girls this week so I’m skipping over all bloggers’ mentions of it for now. The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane interests me and I want to learn more about it. Have a good week!

    (We used to be vegetarian for years, and for holidays I was fine with just eating more of some of the decadent side dishes, but it was rough on the kids. We’ve since “fallen off the wagon” and eat poultry and fish now but maybe someday…)

    • I was all about that second helping of stuffing! being a vegetarian is quiet the commitment, I can understand that it would be hard on the kids.

      I’m looking forward to reading The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane, Lisa See is a great historical fiction writer. Thank you for commenting.

  6. danielle hammelef

    I’m looking forward to seeing Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them soon. Happy holidays!

  7. Christine

    I was so excited for the Gilmore Girl reboot! But I agree with you; the Life and Death Brigade scene and the Stars Hollow musical both were far too long, extravagant, and kind of superfluous to me. I would’ve preferred more meaningful scenes in their place. But I can’t complain too much since I feel blessed even to have a reunion in the first place!

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