Sunday Post #92

Posted November 20, 2016 by Whitney in Weekly Wrap-Up / 8 Comments

Sunday PostSunday Post hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer is a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

Off The Blog

This week it was all about Harry Potter on the blog in preparation for the movie Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.  I’m going to see the film with my brother and sister-in-law later today and I’m very excited.  Last week, my update was a bit depressing with the election results but with a pep talk from my boyfriend and the amazing support of the book blogging community I’ve been able to come to terms with our new reality.  I also got back into my reading/blogging groove by rereading Harry Potter and writing one post a day to stay ahead.  Lastly, on Tuesday, my cat Zorro had acl surgery.  Everything went well but my 15 pound pet will have to go on a diet as he is prediabetic.  Pulling a Dursley and saying “he’s just big-boned” is no longer an excuse.

Last Week on the Blog

This Week on the Blog


8 responses to “Sunday Post #92

    • The movie was great — I think I may be seeing it a second time with my mom actually. It is very hard to deny my cats food/attention et cetera, particularly when they give you the “puss in boots big eyes”.

  1. Oh, it’s the “he’s just big boned” routine at your place? Here we say that our pooch is just fluffy. LOL Call it what we will, but it looks like the both of us ha to come to grips and tackle the situation.
    Toady recently posted…B.B. Weekly No. 5My Profile

  2. Oh, just like people, cats get used to a certain diet…changing it up might involve some whining on the cat’s part. Good luck!

    I am also looking forward to the Gilmore Girls revival. This week, there’s a marathon going on one of my channels, with back-to-back episodes.

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for sharing. Here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES
    Laurel-Rain Snow recently posted…AUTHOR’S HOME PAGEMy Profile

    • My cat is already so pathetic with his shaved leg that I hate to add to it. However, I’ll just have to bite the bullet, maybe I’ll follow the Ferber Method.

      I’m attempting to binge-watch the series before the revival but I’m not sure I’ll make it in time. I didn’t discover The Gilmore Girls until it went off the air (similar to Seinfeld) and now I’m addicted.

  3. “Big boned” ha ha. Poor guy, sorry to hear he has to go on a diet (I’m sure he’d be thrilled) but hopefully all goes well and he’s okay. And yeah the election reality has settled in (like we have a choice) although some of the news rolling in- and the popular vote tally- rankles me a bit lol.

    Hope you enjoy the movie! I can’t wait to see it.
    Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #169My Profile

    • I’m sure Zorro is thrilled too, although I don’t think his new eating routine will fully hit him until he is recovered and finished with being crated (so as not to reinjure his leg).

      As for the election, to quote John Oliver, “It hits you in waves”. Hopefully, it will get better with time.

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