On Thursday My parents, aunt and I went out to play Bingo. We had never played Bingo before. We discovered that Bingo Players are cut-throat. We walked in after the first game had begun and were immediately given the stink-eye. We naively thought it would include drinking laughing and well, fun. Nope. Apparently people take their Bingo seriously. We went across the hall to the bar. There the bar tender told us people get here at three to set up and snag “their table” I should also mention that Bingo doesn’t start until 6. In the end, we had our drink, made a dash to the bathroom before break, (the bartender warned us it is a mad race getting to the bathroom) and called it a night.
Last Week:
- November is for Epilepsy Awareness
- Movie Review: The Man in the Iron Mask
- Movie Review: The Amazing Spiderman 2
- Ho-Ho-Ho Holiday Read-a-thon
- Book Review: Wisdom Man by Banjo Clarke
This Week:
- Movie Review: Gaslight
- Movie Review: Terminator 2
- Book Review: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
- Book Review: Mr Darcy’s Christmas Carol
Around the Blogosphere:
- Book Journey is hosting a Harry Potter re-read along. I can never read this series enough so of course I joined. I am sorted into Ravenclaw year seven —
5/30 posts
- November is for Epilepsy Awareness (Nov 2)
- Harry Potter Re-readalong (Nov 4)
- Ho-Ho-Holiday Read-a-thon (Nov 6)
- Book Review: Wisdom Man by Banjo Clarke (Nov 6)
- Movie Review: Begin Again (Nov 21)
- Movie Review: On Borrowed Time (Nov 24)
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