Stranger Things Book Tag

Posted October 11, 2016 by Whitney in Meme / 3 Comments


I  have started watching Stranger Things and my goodness is it addicting! Therefore, after finding this book tag at Bookishness and Tea I knew I had to do it.

The Vanishing of Will Byers

the first book in a series that left you intrigued and slightly confused

Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs This isn’t a series I could see myself continuing probably because I was more confused than intrigued by it.

The Upside Down

a book with a setting you would never want to live in

The depths of Mordor — the humidity would not be good for my hair at all!


a book you own that is somewhat damaged, but loved to pieces

This goes to The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien. I read it so many times that it was literary falling apart and had to be thrown away the last time I read it.

Mike, Lucas, and Dustin

a trilogy you always go to whenever you need a pick-me-up

Harry Potter — yes this is a series, not a trilogy but it always makes me happy to enter the doors of Hogwarts.

The Demogorgon

a book with a terrifying beast you wouldn’t want to face in a dark alley

Balrogs, anything that can take down a wizard is a bit intimidating.

Dr. Brenner

a book with a villain who is both manipulative and dedicated

Rhoda Penmark, an eight year old who is pure evil.  Manipulating adults with sweet charms and girlish pigtails.  However, this cuteness is laced with ulterior motives and with dogged dedication will go to great lengths (such as murder) to achieve them.

Nancy Wheeler

a book you didn’t expect to love

This would have to go to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. I was very resistant to read it at first because of all the hype but ended up loving it.

Hawkins, Indiana

a book with a setting that’s just a little bit strange

The dystopian world in The Giver by Lois Lowry. The community of sameness and conformity is eerily stranger and definitely isn’t for me.






3 responses to “Stranger Things Book Tag

  1. Ohhh this is very tempting.

    We’re about half way through season one. Hope they make a season two.
    Did you see the three kids perform at the Emmy’s (I think it was?) very sweet.

    A Joyce section could have been a book with a flaky mother who never gave up on her kids:-D

  2. Have read three of the Miss Peregrine’s books and loved them all; therefore, I will NOT see the movie. My brother, who read the first book, said the movie was ok, the special effects were great, but it just wasn’t the book.
    A book I have read aloud (yes, the whole book) to 7 years worth of sixth graders and is falling apart but loved and re-read from year to year after 27 years away from those sixth graders is Madeline Engle’s A Wrinkle in Time. She and the concept of tesseracts are both amazing and as mind-blowing as any modern science fact today.
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