The Spring Into Horror Read-A-Thon hosted by Michelle at The True Book Addict starts today and is a perfect run-on for those who still have the read-a-thon fever after Dewey’s 24 Hour Read-A-Thon this past weekend. Anyway, Spring Into Horror is a casual week long read-a-thon. Besides taking the time to dwindle your tbr the only requirement is to read at least one scary book; (horror, mystery, thriller or paranormal). Anyway, its not to late join the fun which can be done here.
So without further ado, here is my pool:
1. The Woman In White by Wilkie Collins
2. The Bad Seed by William March
1. Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
2. Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling
3. The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
I will also be using this post for up-dates etc.
Starting Stats:
Currently Reading: Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
Starting Page: 192
Starting Time: 8:30 am
Starting Time: 8:30 am
4/23 End Of Day Stats
Currently Reading: The Bad Seed by William Collins
Books Finished: Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
Pages Read: 298
Time Read: About 4 Hours
Cups Of Tea: 1
4/24 Stats
Starting Stats
Currently Reading: The Bad Seed by William March
Starting Page: 1
Starting Time: 7:40 am
Update #1
Currently Reading: The Bad Seed by William March
Pages Read: 57
Time Read: 2 Hours
Cups Of Tea: 1
Update #2
Currently Reading: The Bad Seed by William March
Pages Read: 50
Time Read: 2 Hours
Since Readathon was a bit fail in the reading department (although it was a complete success in the fun department), I'm glad to have some more time to work on my reading pile. Plus, anything that promotes reading of scary books is always a good thing! Can't wait to hear your thoughts on the final Hunger Games book, good luck reading!
Some interesting sounding books yet. I have yet to read Harry Potter :-O
Oh I will be cheering you on
You have a great selection of books up there!!!
Glad to have you with us again, Whitney! Great list. I'm thinking of reading The Woman in White for the Victorian Celebration. I also own The Bad Seed. That is the one that the film is based on, isn't it? I LOVE the movie…the old version. Anyway, have fun reading this week! I'll be checking in again. =O)
Just checking in to see how the reading is going. I hope you're enjoying the read-a-thon. How are you liking The Bad Seed?
I have been very bad at doing up-dates but I finished The Bad Seed this morning. This was the second time I had read the book and loved it! Rhoda is so creepy, and the ending makes my skin crawl.