The Spring Into Horror Read-A-Thon hosted by Michelle at The True Book Addict is a little more than half-way over and I have been very bad at updating throughout the week so instead I am doing a midway post.
I haven’t read as much as I would have liked but have managed to read about twelve hours within in the last four days and around 500 pages (among numerous cups of sugary tea/frozen coffees). I completed Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins and The Bad Seed by William March. I loved both of them and plan on getting reviews up next week. Currently I am reading The Inverted Forest by John Dalton, I am only five pages in but so far I’m finding it to be very strange. It takes place at a summer camp and the opening scene is of the camp counselors (men and women) skinny dipping in the pool, all this being observed by a veteran counselor. But like I said, I am only five pages in…
So that is where I stand. I will do a full review at the conclusion of the read-a-thon. Until then, happy reading!
Great job considering you're reading during the week! I really loved The Bad Seed (Rhoda is both creepy and kind of awesome too). And the scene you're reading now? Totally why I don't skinny dip.