Reading Slump. The two most dreaded words a bookworm could utter. Unfortunately, I must express that — sort of. I’m reading a really good book right now, Stephen King’s newest Mr. Mercedes, but as it always tends to do, life has gotten in the way and prohibited me from reading the full amount I would like. Fortunately, I’m heading up to my lake house over the fourth. Ten days of R.R.&R rest, relaxation and reading. I’ve packed my purple epilepsy bag to the brim and balanced my Kindle on top. As of now the weatherman are predicting lots of rain, and while nature is nice, it does give me a good excuse to kick back with a cup of tea and a good book. We do get semi-okay Internet reception, so if I do finish anything I can hopefully write a review.
This post was actually scheduled and as it goes live I am in the driving seven hours with two cats in the car. I’ll give a full report of their behavior when I return but I am not looking forward to it. Last time they made the trip my cat Winkie mewed the whole way there and at one point my twelve pound cat Zorro (I swear he’s just big boned) sat on top of her to shut her up. Perhaps I should bring earplugs.
Reading Slumps are no fun.. and King books can be hard to get through if you are in a reading slump. So I wish you luck!