by Stephen King
Published by Penguin
Publication Date September 1, 1995
Source: Library
Genres: General Fiction
A man convicted of murder lives in a prison brutally ruled by a sadistic warden and secretly run by a con who knows all the ropes and pulls all the strings.
First Impressions
The Shawshank Redemption is a film I have watched countless times. It is a fantastical story of innocence and escape and is well presented on the screen. I finally decided to read the short story it is based on. This was not only due to my love for the novel’s film counterpart but also because I have been to Zihuatanejo Mexico several times. While it does not play as prominent a role as Rita Hayworth it is still an important aspect to Andy Dufresne’s story.
Impressions While Reading
I should note before I begin this review, that it is partially a comparison between the book Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption and the film it was based on.
Sadly, the movie was too perfect. It captured everything perfectly and because I already knew how Andy escaped, the novel held no surprise for me. The other thing I did not like about the book was that I didn’t feel like there was any justice where the warden was concerned. In the movie, he kills himself but in the short story he quietly retires. Considering what an ass he was, I really wanted to see him get his comeuppance. The last thing I liked more about the film is that they showed how Andy escaped whereas in the book, as Red is telling the story it is only speculation.
What I did like about The Shawshank Redemption was the immense detail that Stephen King is so well-known for, the little touches, such as an inmate noting Andy’s cell was drafty.
Final Impressions
I am by no means trying to say Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption a bad story. The story is engrossing and escaped into another world while reading. I think the problem was that I have seen the movie so many times and know the story so well that the surprise for the final plot twist was taken away from me and despite the unique story left a ho-hum ending.
I've aways wondered if a movie was adapted from Stephen King's books and now I know there is!:) it's kinda tricky when movies adapt from a book because they have to get things done right or it won't be enjoyable because WE KNOW how things are supposed to be, you know?