I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

by Jane Green
Publication Date December 30, 2014
Source: Publisher
Genres: General Fiction
Grace and Ted Chapman are widely regarded as the perfect literary power couple. Ted is a successful novelist and Grace, his wife of twenty years, is beautiful, stylish, carefree, and a wonderful homemaker.
But what no one sees, what is churning under the surface, is Ted’s rages. His mood swings. And the precarious house of cards that their lifestyle is built upon. When Ted’s longtime assistant and mainstay leaves, the house of cards begins to crumble and Grace, with dark secrets in her past, is most vulnerable. She finds herself in need of help but with no one to turn to…until the perfect new assistant shows up out of the blue.
To the rescue comes Beth, a competent young woman who can handle Ted and has the calm efficiency to weather the storms that threaten to engulf the Chapman household. Soon, though, it’s clear to Grace that Beth might be too good to be true. This new interloper might be the biggest threat of all, one that could cost Grace her marriage, her reputation, and even her sanity.
With everything at stake and no one to confide in, Grace must find a way to save herself before it is too late.
Powerful and riveting, Jane Green's Saving Grace will have you on the edge of your seat as you follow Grace on her harrowing journey to rock bottom and back.
Kirkus Reviews likened Saving Grace to 1950s All About Eve, my favorite film and, therefore, prompted my interest. Going in I was a little wary, but was still too intrigued to pass up. Happily, “a dark romance, recalling All About Eve, where intimacy masks betrayal” is a very apt description.
Fond of:
- Well developed characters. Beth and Grace have the perfect Margo Channing/Eve Harrington relationship as Grace takes Beth under her wing and slowly realizes that not all is as it seems.
- Had great build-up and was fast-paced.
- Predictable. Granted it is pretty clear from the cover that Beth will backstab anyone in her way, but I could guess what the next page would hold before turning it, i.e. Grace’s slip ups were due to Beth’s conniving mind.
- I wasn’t crazy about the relationship between Patrick and Grace, it felt rushed, unbelievable and didn’t think it added much to the story.
Final Thoughts:
At the end of All About Eve, a girl has snuck into Eve Harrington’s dressing room, posing with her award trying to encompass the aura of the new star.
I share this because like at the end of All About Eve you are reminded that people are not always what they seem and the idea of “will stop at nothing” is a bit creepy. I feel this describes Jane Green’s novel well. All in all, Saving Grace was a decent read, I just wish the ending had been a little more satisfactory.
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