by Ira Levin
Published by Signet
Publication Date May 10, 2011
Source: Library
Genres: Horror
Rosemary and Guy Woodhouse, an ordinary young couple, settle into a New York City apartment, unaware that the elderly neighbors and their bizarre group of friends have taken a disturbing interest in them. But by the time Rosemary discovers the horrifying truth, it may be far too late!
First Impressions
The first think I think of when I hear the words Rosemary’s Baby are Mia Farrow and Roman Polanski. A bad reader I know, associating the novel with its director not the author Ira Levin.
Impressions While Reading
Rosemary’s Baby is strange. Strange is the best descriptive word, with Satan and demonic babies I can’t think of a better way to express it. Rosemary and Guy Woodhouse who at first appear normal slowly descend into a maddening world, with clingy neighbors Minnie and Roman Castevet, who are just a little to obtrusive and a bit creepy, something isn’t quite right. Rosemary’s Baby had steady pacing and all throughout her pregnancy wanted to scream at how ridiculous it all seemed. I was as entranced as Guy was to the Castevets until the end.
Final Impressions
The conclusion was drawn out and could have condensed the last ten pages in half. Although, I don’t think it can be denied that Rosemary’s Baby is a weird book. Even so, as a horror novel, it does the trick.
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