Publisher: Gallery

What Was Mine by Helen Klein Ross

What Was Mine by Helen Klein Ross

Posted January 5, 2016 by Whitney in Review / 0 Comments

First Impressions Growing up reading the Janie Johnson series obviously left an impression on me as I gobble up any novel that has a kidnapped theme to it. Thus, the premise is what first attracted me to What Was Mine by Helen Klein Ross. Clearly, this topic has been done before, from The Face on […]

Twain’s End by Lynn Cullen

Twain’s End by Lynn Cullen

Posted October 13, 2015 by Whitney in Review / 0 Comments

First Impressions I know Mark Twain for two things. He wrote Tom Sawyer and for wanted to dig Jane Austen up and beat her over the skull with her own shin-bone.  I shamefully haven’t read his autobiography or any biography of Sam Clemens/Mark Twain. Although, I always love a good author scandal and enjoyed Mrs. […]

Inside the O’Briens by Lisa Genova

Inside the O’Briens by Lisa Genova

Posted April 10, 2015 by Whitney in Review / 0 Comments

Fond Of   The most important aspect of Inside the O’Briens by Lisa Genova is that it brings awareness to Huntington’s Disease. Being epileptic, I understand how important it is to “get the word out there” and admire the novel for that. Lisa Genova creates an emotional roller-coaster and has imagined characters that touch with […]

Book Review: Above

Book Review: Above

Posted March 4, 2014 by Whitney in Review / 3 Comments

Above has been compared to Emma Donoghue’s Room and based on the subject matter I can see why.  One could say what is original about that, its been done before.  No it has not.  Above is as fresh as the air that is above, but it is the darkness below that draws you in. Blythe’s […]

Review: Mrs. Poe

Review: Mrs. Poe

Posted October 1, 2013 by Whitney in Review / 2 Comments

I went into Mrs. Poe knowing very little of Mr. Edgar Allan Poe.  I read The Raven in high school, but like most class literature, it was required, a chore, and thus other than a nice poem it was a blip in my high school career. Having said that, I read Lynn Cullen’s Mrs. Poe […]
