Publisher: Dell

Review: The Giver

Review: The Giver

Posted September 25, 2011 by Whitney in Review / 8 Comments

Jonas lives in a world of Sameness. There is nothing to differentiate one person by the other, everything is seen in black and white with each year relinquishing a little of the individuality you possessed, following like a group of Lemmings. At your 12th year, you are given your assignment, and begin your training to […]

Review: Outlander

Review: Outlander

Posted September 20, 2010 by Whitney in Review / 12 Comments

I’m going to make this short and sweet.  I did not like this book.  At times, it felt more like a harlequin romance rather than historical fiction or fantasy.   Hype can be a good thing but in this case it set my expectations too high so I think that was part of my dislike […]

Book Review: A Long Fatal Love Chase

Book Review: A Long Fatal Love Chase

Posted June 3, 2010 by Whitney in Review / 10 Comments

Until one night when an unannounced stranger comes to Rosamond Vivian’s island, stealing her heart and whisking her away from her home. Rosamond and her now husband Philip Tempest, live a peaceful and happy first year until a mysterious lady appears at their doorstep divulging some unknown information about Phillip which turns Rosamond’s heart cold […]
