Publisher: Barnes & Noble Classic

Book Review: Northanger Abbey

Book Review: Northanger Abbey

Posted February 5, 2014 by Whitney in Review / 2 Comments

I found Northanger Abbey to be a much tamer read compared to Pride and Prejudice; however, it was still well written. I have to admit that I found this novel a little slow going at times and it took me a while for Cathrine and the Tilneys to get to Northanger Abbey but once there […]

Book Review: Emma

Book Review: Emma

Posted October 4, 2013 by Whitney in Review / 1 Comment

Emma Woodhouse is a bona fide matchmaker, playing cupid for all her acquaintances while she claims to never marry herself. Famous last words… Emma’s current assignment is her dear friend Harriet Smith and after a proposal that Miss Woodhouse seems far too beneath her puts in all her efforts to find a suitable husband for […]

Book Review: The Secret Garden

Book Review: The Secret Garden

Posted October 31, 2012 by Whitney in Review / 3 Comments

The Secret Garden is a novel of Mary Mary quite contrary, whose parents die due to cholera and is sent off to live with an uncle. The house is old, dusty and filled with secrets. At first we all learn to hate the little brat. Anywhose, a little bird tells Mary of a secret garden […]

Book Review: Dracula

Book Review: Dracula

Posted October 17, 2011 by Whitney in Review / 7 Comments

Dracula is bone-chilling!  My neck prickles just thinking about it.  Turtlenecks are a new staple in my wardrobe.  In short, its like taking a shower after watching Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho. Dracula, by Bram Stoker is a horror romance of sorts as Count Dracula become obsessed with his victims which always happen to be girls and […]

Book Review: Pride and Prejudice

Book Review: Pride and Prejudice

Posted July 8, 2010 by Whitney in Review / 4 Comments

Pride and Prejudice I feel is the ultimate love story.  Our heroine, Elizabeth Bennet is pretty, witty and wise with a great sense of time and humor.  Mr. Darcy is rude, proud and very disagreeable, even if he is worth ten thousand a year.    Both cannot stand each other.  So what makes this the ultimate […]

Book Review: Sense and Sensibility

Book Review: Sense and Sensibility

Posted June 9, 2010 by Whitney in Review / 12 Comments

Sense and Sensibility is a novel of the Dashwoods. Mrs. Dashwood, a silly women focused on acquiring a comfortable fortune and abode along with marrying off her daughters well.  Elinor, a very sensible girl who always does the logical or right thing. Marianne who unlike her sister follows her heart and lives in the moment.  […]

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

Posted May 1, 2010 by Whitney in Review / 6 Comments

Review I finished Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte last night and find it very appropriate that it was during a tornado watch as that describes this novel very well.   A tornado of disastrous events circles this novel, involving, gambling and alcoholism, violence, death and an overall conniving plot.  None of the characters had any redeeming […]

The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton

The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton

Posted March 4, 2010 by Whitney in Review / 3 Comments

Quick Impressions I enjoyed The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton but had a hard time feeling anything for the characters.  Both Archer’s and Ellen Olenska’s disappointments where their undoing.  The pair had no one to blame but themselves.  Although both did the honorable thing in the end.  To be honest, I only was concerned […]

The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczk

The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczk

Posted January 18, 2010 by Whitney in Review / 4 Comments

First Impressions I went into The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczk knowing the identity of That damned elusive Pimpernel.  While it was no surprise I was still kept on the edge of my seat.  Impressions While Reading Baroness Orczk’s novel is at once a tale of espionage,suspense, action and even a little romance.  At first […]
