Publisher: Atria

Review: Devil’s Knot

Review: Devil’s Knot

Posted October 18, 2012 by Whitney in Review / 1 Comment

This book made me angry,  I found there to be six victims in this story not three, and a vast miscarriage of justice.  The West Memphis Three as they have been dubbed were guilty the minute they walked into the courtroom due to a biased jury and judge.  Misskelley, who clearly has some learning disabilities […]

Book Review: The Thirteenth Tale

Book Review: The Thirteenth Tale

Posted September 21, 2011 by Whitney in Review / 10 Comments

The Thirteenth Tale is part ghost story part fairy tale (Grimm Brother’s style).  Vida Winter, a famed author renown for her novel The Thirteenth Tale, with the thirteenth tale being omitted.  Vida, after numerous interviews has finally decided to unburden herself and write her memoirs with the help of a ghostwriter, Margaret Lea, a freelance […]
