Genre: True Crime

Review: The Book of Matt

Review: The Book of Matt

Posted October 2, 2013 by Whitney in Review / 0 Comments

I was thirteen at the time of Matthew Shepard’s murder thus this crime was not even on my radar. That having been said, it took me several days to write this review if only to see it level-headed.  There was so much to absorb.  The one consistency throughout the book is how Matthew died, but […]

Review: Devil’s Knot

Review: Devil’s Knot

Posted October 18, 2012 by Whitney in Review / 1 Comment

This book made me angry,  I found there to be six victims in this story not three, and a vast miscarriage of justice.  The West Memphis Three as they have been dubbed were guilty the minute they walked into the courtroom due to a biased jury and judge.  Misskelley, who clearly has some learning disabilities […]

Review: Columbine

Review: Columbine

Posted August 11, 2011 by Whitney in Review / 5 Comments

Like most historic events or tragedies, you can remember where you were and what you were doing. I was fourteen at the time so don’t remember exactly that but have a very vivid memory just a few weeks afterward.  I was in 8th grade and a boy a class behind mine brought two walkie talkies […]

Review: In Cold Blood

Review: In Cold Blood

Posted August 7, 2010 by Whitney in Review / 16 Comments

Through Truman Capote’s memorizing true crime account, we follow the case every step of the way.  Beginning at the finding of the bodies and ending at the gallows.    Not only does he skillfully craft this heinous crime but does so with the reader feeling empathy not only towards the Clutters but also their killers, Perry […]
