Icon Tag: sci-fi

Audiobook Review: Winter by Marissa Meyer

Audiobook Review: Winter by Marissa Meyer

Posted January 17, 2018 by Whitney in Review / 2 Comments

First Impressions: Winter by Marissa Meyer is the conclusion to the Lunar Chronicles.  Ever since I finished Cress I had looked forward to reading the conclusion to the Lunar Chronicles.  Sadly, I was not as swept up by the story as I had hoped to be.  Cress ended with a cliffhanger and I expected that […]

Fairest by Marissa Meyer

Fairest by Marissa Meyer

Posted June 17, 2015 by Whitney in Review / 0 Comments

First Impressions Queen Levana takes center stage in Fairest by Marissa Meyer. The novella helps tide readers over until the conclusion of the Lunar Chronicles, Winter. Impressions While Reading In Fairest, the reader is given back story as to what makes Levana tick. Marissa Meyer showcases events that would lead up to Cinder, the first […]

Book Review: Above

Book Review: Above

Posted March 4, 2014 by Whitney in Review / 3 Comments

Above has been compared to Emma Donoghue’s Room and based on the subject matter I can see why.  One could say what is original about that, its been done before.  No it has not.  Above is as fresh as the air that is above, but it is the darkness below that draws you in. Blythe’s […]

Book Review: The Handmaid’s Tale

Book Review: The Handmaid’s Tale

Posted June 5, 2013 by Whitney in Review / 2 Comments

The Handmaid’s Tale is an incredible novel that everyone should read. This shocking tale explains the consequences of religious extremism gone too far. As the reader, you are left with an impression of confusion and continual questioning. In the world that we are accustomed to, religious persecution is minimal. Books like this help us to […]

Book Review: Scarlet

Book Review: Scarlet

Posted February 27, 2013 by Whitney in Review / 3 Comments

Last week I was describing the Lunar series to my mom. Cinder description: “So, Cinder is futuristic with Cinderella qualities.  There’s an empress who wants to control all and sets her three-year old niece on fire in her crib to get her out-of-the-way.  She has like 4th degree burns but is saved from the fire and […]

Review: Cinder

Review: Cinder

Posted February 1, 2013 by Whitney in Review / 2 Comments

Cinder is a retelling of the fairy tale Cinderella, but is completely different from any other retelling I have yet encountered.  It is futuristic and this Cinderella is cyborg. I like to pride myself, that I am pretty good about figuring out plot twists ahead of time, I had Cinder’s true hidden identity (even to […]



Posted January 13, 2012 by Whitney in Review / 5 Comments

If given the opportunity to travel back in time would you risk changing history and its potential future, or would you let sleeping dogs lie?  This is the question Jake Epping is faced with.  After finding a portal into the past Jake is transported into September 1958, with a mission– prevent  the JFK assassination.  Easier […]
