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Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng

Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng

Posted April 18, 2018 by Whitney in Review / 0 Comments

Review: I purchased Everything I Never Told You on a whim. When I walked into Barnes & Nobel I only had eyes for Little Fires Everywhere.   However, I am usually hesitant to splurge on a hardcover by an author I’ve never read before.  Therefore, I reached for Celeste Ng’s début novel. The plot of Everything […]

The Cellar by Minette Walters

The Cellar by Minette Walters

Posted June 28, 2016 by Whitney in Review / 0 Comments

First Impressions Minette Walters novel, The Cellar, is all-consuming with a child’s disappearance. The beginning opens a Pandora’s Box. Impressions While Reading Her captures, Ebuka and Metunde, known as Master and Princess to Muna are hard, bitter, and down right mean. It is very hard to shake. Although, as the plot progresses, despite getting his […]

My Sister’s Grave by Robert Dugoni

My Sister’s Grave by Robert Dugoni

Posted May 22, 2015 by Whitney in Review / 0 Comments

Fond Of My Sister’s Grave by Robert Dugoni had Fantastic pacing. It was slow but steady laying out all the information at hand. Robert Dugoni let the reader form our own opinion as the plot and characters develop.Truthfully, I thought I had it figured out within the first half of the book. It stared me […]

Book Review: Nineteen Minutes

Book Review: Nineteen Minutes

Posted March 19, 2015 by Whitney in Review / 0 Comments

Amazing read and became engrossed in this in well, nineteen minutes. I felt it had a surprise ending about what truly happened during those life changing minutes. Can your own child become a mystery to you? What does it mean to be different in our society? Is it ever okay for a victim to strike […]

Book Review: The Other Typist

Book Review: The Other Typist

Posted June 26, 2013 by Whitney in Review / 2 Comments

I did something I hardly ever do, I read The Other Typist in one day. A few weeks ago a fellow blogger, Elizabeth at Silver Reviews warned me that The Other Typist was a book I would have to talk about, and she was right!  It was incredible.  The ending was a complete twist that I […]

Book Review: Scarlet

Book Review: Scarlet

Posted February 27, 2013 by Whitney in Review / 3 Comments

Last week I was describing the Lunar series to my mom. Cinder description: “So, Cinder is futuristic with Cinderella qualities.  There’s an empress who wants to control all and sets her three-year old niece on fire in her crib to get her out-of-the-way.  She has like 4th degree burns but is saved from the fire and […]

Book Review: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Book Review: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Posted May 23, 2011 by Whitney in Review / 1 Comment

J.K. Rowling continues to draw toward two major themes, love and prejudice.  Love, through Harry with those surrounding him with a strong desire to protect him.  His mother giving her life to save him, Dumbledore through the stupidity of blind love consistently finds excuses to avoid telling him the true reason Voldemort attacked thirteen years […]

Book Review: The Silence of the Lambs

Book Review: The Silence of the Lambs

Posted January 4, 2011 by Whitney in Review / 7 Comments

What was I thinking?  I read The Silence of the Lambs in a wooded, secluded area.  It was like taking a shower after watching Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho.  Creepy. Back in the day before cell phones, my family went on vacation in the same wooded area that I read Silence of the Lambs. My mom read […]

Review: The Girl Who Played With Fire

Review: The Girl Who Played With Fire

Posted October 3, 2010 by Whitney in Review / 6 Comments

I was still on the edge of my seat while reading The Girl Who Played With Fire I did find some of the plot to be rather tangled and the link between Bjurman and the sex trade to be rather poor and took me some time to completely understand it as it wasn’t written in […]

Review: The Bad Seed

Review: The Bad Seed

Posted September 20, 2010 by Whitney in Review / 6 Comments

“Later that summer, when Mrs. Penmark looked back and remembered, when she was caught up in despair so deep that she knew there was no way out, no solution whatever for the circumstances that encompassed her, it seemed to her that June seventh, the day of the Fern Grammer School picnic, was the last day […]
