Icon Tag: nonfiction

American Sherlock by Kate Winkler Dawson

American Sherlock by Kate Winkler Dawson

Posted December 11, 2020 by Whitney in Review / 1 Comment

What I Liked In a world where people are obsessed with true crime reading a book that centers on forensics was very intriguing to me. I really liked that it was a grouping of short stories. Each one featured a different case that Oscar Heinrich covered. Despite being individual in their own right, the author […]

Into The Wild

Into The Wild

Posted October 19, 2018 by Whitney in Review / 0 Comments

Reviews Done Quick I picked up Into The Wild while at my family’s cabin in Northern Wisconsin. From a landscape perspective it seemed like a perfect match. All I can say is thank goodness it is short. As usual, Jon Krakauer’s writing was spot on, it was his subject matter that was the problem, Christopher […]

Missoula by Jon Krakauer

Missoula by Jon Krakauer

Posted June 15, 2015 by Whitney in Review / 0 Comments

After finishing Missoula by Jon Krakauer I found it difficult to collect my thoughts. Thus, I decided to write short and sweet to keep my mind from jumping from thought to thought. The subject and its writing is powerful with chilling testimony and a heartbreaking story. Missoula by Jon Krakauer is a book that must […]

Review: Devil’s Knot

Review: Devil’s Knot

Posted October 18, 2012 by Whitney in Review / 1 Comment

This book made me angry,  I found there to be six victims in this story not three, and a vast miscarriage of justice.  The West Memphis Three as they have been dubbed were guilty the minute they walked into the courtroom due to a biased jury and judge.  Misskelley, who clearly has some learning disabilities […]

Review: Under The Banner Of Heaven

Review: Under The Banner Of Heaven

Posted March 3, 2012 by Whitney in Review / 0 Comments

To better understand these motives Jon Krakauer, the author flip-flops between the heinous, unbelievable actions of 1984 and the creation of the Mormon religion and its prophet, Joseph Smith. Discovering the golden plates and the start of the religion was very interesting but the disturbing subject of polygamy and how Fundamentalists behave then and now […]

Review: Columbine

Review: Columbine

Posted August 11, 2011 by Whitney in Review / 5 Comments

Like most historic events or tragedies, you can remember where you were and what you were doing. I was fourteen at the time so don’t remember exactly that but have a very vivid memory just a few weeks afterward.  I was in 8th grade and a boy a class behind mine brought two walkie talkies […]
