Icon Tag: dystopian

Apocalypse by Dean Crawford

Apocalypse by Dean Crawford

Posted April 3, 2014 by Whitney in Review / 1 Comment

 “How many bodies are there?” Short and sweet, but this first sentence grabbed me.  It set the expectations and had me plowing through to learn the answer. I just finished watching an episode of CNBC’s show American Greed: Scams, it was on Rita Crundwell who embezzled 53 million dollars from her hometown.  How does this […]

Allegiant by Veronica Roth

Allegiant by Veronica Roth

Posted November 15, 2013 by Whitney in Review / 4 Comments

I ordered Allegiant through the library and due to the massive hold I was unable to renew it.  I was not disappointed, in fact I feel the need to discourage the 104 people who are waiting to read this book.  I forced myself to read my 100 page minimum, but even that was a stuggle. […]

Review: Mockingjay

Review: Mockingjay

Posted May 4, 2012 by Whitney in Review / 1 Comment

I was so hyped up to read Mockingjay and unfortunately it did not live up to my incredibly high expectations.  It was good, just not great.  After District 12 is blow up like Princess Leia’s home planet, Alderaan any survivors move to District 13 who has only reemerged after years of hiding.  I did not […]

Review: Catching Fire

Review: Catching Fire

Posted May 2, 2012 by Whitney in Review / 0 Comments

Just when I thought it was kind of safe Katniss’ life goes to hell in a handbasket again.   The Hunger Games are supposed to be over, but her troubles are just beginning.  Catching Fire does not skip a beat going into action with the despicable President Snow who has revenge on his hands setting his […]

Review: The Hunger Games

Review: The Hunger Games

Posted April 13, 2012 by Whitney in Review / 5 Comments

I had no idea what to expect when I first opened The Hunger Games.  All I knew was that 12-year-olds attempt to kill each other.  As I got further in the same phrase kept popping into my head “this is fucked up!”  like “Survivor” on crack, and crack is whack. Right about here I should […]

Review: The Giver

Review: The Giver

Posted September 25, 2011 by Whitney in Review / 8 Comments

Jonas lives in a world of Sameness. There is nothing to differentiate one person by the other, everything is seen in black and white with each year relinquishing a little of the individuality you possessed, following like a group of Lemmings. At your 12th year, you are given your assignment, and begin your training to […]
