The Write On Review-a-thon is a monthly, low-key event to help you stay on top of your review pile. Join, however, you’re comfortable (via blog, on the #boutofbooks-ers Facebook page, or whatever works for you) and get motivated to keep your reviews up to date!
Brought to you by Reading the Paranormal and the #boutofbooks-ers Facebook group. This monthly review-a-thon is a chance to get caught up on outstanding reviews. Bring your to-be-reviewed list, block out some time, and write reviews. It’s that simple.
Reviews to Write
Shrill by Lindy WestLegally Blonde by Amanda Brown
This is a great idea. I would love to do this, focusing on reviewing books I read before I began to blog.
The Review-a-thon is always such a good motivator to get reviews written, as I tend to let them pile up.
Whitney recently posted…Review-a-thon May 2022
What a great idea! I’ll be rooting for you.