by Daphne du Maurier
Pages: 410
Published by HarperCollins
Publication Date September 28, 2006
Source: Bought
Genres: Classic
A classic novel of romantic suspense finds the second Mrs. Maxim de Winter entering the home of her mysterious and enigmatic new husband and learning the story of the house's first mistress, to whom the sinister housekeeper is unnaturally devoted.
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier is the gothic novel of an unnamed girl. The story begins with this girl as a paid companion to a Mrs. Van Hopper. Mrs. Van Hopper likes to hobnob with the rich and famous and after spotting Maxim de Winter, owner of the wonderful Manderly. (I should also mention that Mr. de Winter has recently lost his wife and just can’t get over it). So like a tabloid with Miley Cyrus on the cover, she sets her eyes on the prize of befriending him.
Little does she know that a friendship and eventually love spark between he and the unnamed girl, who is soon after taken to Manderly and introduced as Mrs. de Winter. Her reception is rather cool, as the staff has yet to recover from Rebecca de Winter’s death as well, especially Mrs. Danvers who runs the show.
The Second Mrs. de Winter has difficulty adjusting to her new role as Mistress of Manderly and being constantly compared to the first Mrs. de Winter does not help her self-esteem. The ever existing presence of Rebecca does not help matters either. After being consistently sabotaged by the Mrs. de Winter’s devotee, Mrs. Danvers send her into a melodramatic insanity. Then an unfortunate discovery is made at sea changing the course of regularity at the prized estate of Manderly.
This was an eyes glued open page turner from the first sentence. Rebecca was exceptionally well written and I think no matter how many times it is read, Rebecca will always keep you spellbound. Mrs. Danvers is seriously creepy turning the home into a haunted house and sick memorial to her former mistress but yet somehow you still feel for her in a most disturbing way. Also, I think that the second Mrs. de Winter remaining anonymous added to the mystic of its fictional surroundings. All around, Rebecca is a fantastic novel perfect for curling up by the fire and reading well into the night.
This is the first novel where I was introduced to the concept that the narrator may not be completely telling the truth, even if she thinks she is. What is related from her perspective may not be what the other characters are seeing or thinking.
I have never read Rebecca. I am not sure why but I think next year it will be part of my 12 classics!
Kathy– At times I did get the impression that the second Mrs. de Winter knew more than she was letting on. Manderly was filled with deception.
Felicia– I think Rebecca would be a great choice for your 2011 classics. It's a very enjoyable read.
Rebecca is the best example of suspenseful writing I've ever read. Dan Brown can stuff it- this is how it's done.
Hey Whitney! This was a great review! You are absolutely right, no matter how many times you read Rebecca it leaves you thrilled
I am so glad you liked it! 
So happy you liked it! It's one of my favorites. The first line is classic and it just better from there!
This is such a great book and Hitchcock's adaptation was wonderful too.
Great review-I just read Rebecca for the 1st time this month and I completely loved it-I am very much looking forward to reading more of her books
I went to a university in the southwest of England for a study-abroad program along with some other English majors and a professor, who led us in a seminar. One of the books we read was "Rebecca," since it takes place in that area of the country. I'm not big on early-19th century Gothic novels (I prefer my Gothic Southern), but I thought this was good. Glad you enjoyed it.
I love Rebecca! Great review.
So, the movie wasn't bad compared to the book, right? I thought Rebecca was brilliant!!
I loved Rebecca! I actually read it because I watched the movie and really liked it. But (as usual) the book far surpasses the film!
I couldn't agree more! This novel was captivating and chilling. Gothic fiction at its finest. Great review! Now I kind of want to re-read it for Halloween =)
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