I’ll be starting the Read-A-Thon soon and I’m super excited to set aside a whole day for reading! But before I begin, here is a quick introductory meme for Hour 1.
Where are you reading from today?
I staked out a chair to glue my butt to (or at least for most of the time).
3 facts about me …
- I’ve ridden in the Oscar Meyer Wienermobile
- During a Father’s Day parade I threw Gray Poupon packets from a Rolls Royce. (Remember those commercials from the 90s?)
- I’ve donated 12″ to Locks For Love.
How many books do you have in your TBR pile for the next 24 hours?
- The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet’s Nest by Stieg Larsson (Currently Reading)
- A Modern Mephistopheles by Louisa May Alcott
- the Abbott’s Ghost by Louisa May Alcott
- Lady Susan by Jane Austen
- Love and Friendship by Jane Austen
- Suspense and Sensibility by CarrieBebris
- Jezebel’s Daughter by Wilkie Collins
- Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk by David Sedaris
Do you have any goals for the read-a-thon (i.e. number of books, number of pages, number of hours, or number of comments on blogs)?
I would love to read at least three books today and my goal is to read for 10 hours.
If you’re a veteran read-a-thoner, any advice for people doing this for the first time?
Don’t worry about how many books /hours you have or haven’t read it’s not a contest, this is suppose to be fun!
Good luck on your readathon. All those books in 24 hours, sounds wonderful!!
Good luck to you, Whitney! That is a great list of books!!
Have fun with your choices! And yes, I remember those commercials, wow!
Have fun! I never heard about Suspense and Sensibility, let me know if it's good!!
"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body." – Joseph Addison
Have a great workout today
Just checking in! Got back from lunch and about to start on my 2nd block of reading time! I hope you are hanging in there and doing great
You got this!
I still need to read the rest of the Millenium Trilogy! I loved The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo! So I'm pretty jealous!
I'm Jamie. One of your cheerleaders ready to cheer you on! Sometimes when I was in college and I would be doing marathon paper writing (not that the readthon isn't fun!!) I would need just a quick stretch and a laugh and for whatever reason laughing babies always did the trick to make me giggle and then get back done to business! Here's one of my favorites:
Happy reading!
Jamie at The Perpetual Page-Turner
PS. Totally following your blog now because I like what I see!