Plastic Free July

Posted July 2, 2018 by Whitney in Uncategorized / 4 Comments

For the past month I’ve pinned articles on Zero Waste  and living a natural lifestyle.  What sparked my interest in living a greener and less wasteful lifestyle started with paper coffee filters. I cannot function in the morning without a cup of coffee. However, every time I throw that paper filter in the garbage I feel a twinge of guilt. Despite the small action it feels like such a waste for a few cups of coffee. One evening, my boyfriend stated that for all the time I spent creating Pinterest Boards would I ever follow through and forgo plastic wrap in our kitchen?  As much as I hate to admit it he was right.  For all my good intentions, I needed to put my money where my mouth is.

This is where Plastic Free July kicks in. As I type this, I am drinking iced tea in a plastic cup which I poured from a plastic pitcher, and made from tea leaves I bought from my grocery’s bulk section which I stored in a plastic container. Clearly, I am off to a brilliant start.

However, I already owned these three items of plastic; therefore, because I was repurposing a plastic container for said tea leaves is a semi-win. Obviously, I have plastic in my home, yet I feel it would be counterproductive in my wish to become less wasteful to throw it out when there is nothing wrong with it. Therefore, my goal for “plastic-free July” is to not bring any new plastic into the home, and to throw away as little as possible.

This July, instead of book reviews I’ll be posting reviews on ways to live a greener and reduced waste lifestyle. Also, each Sunday I will post a check-in for my Plastic-Free July project.

4 responses to “Plastic Free July

  1. I’ve been doing research also on living a zero waste lifestyle. I’m just getting started on the journey, but I’m excited to find a blogger I already have followed for a while also wanting to start this journey.

    • It is really fasinating how much information is out there but it has been an fun learning experience! I agree, it is very exciting to “meet” another blogger (particularly a book blogger) who is taking the journey as well.
      Whitney recently posted…Plastic Free JulyMy Profile

    • Plastics in tea bags was surprising to me as well. I switched to loose leaf and reusable coffee filters — I hated throwing away that paper filter every morning. I hope your having a successful Plastic Free July!
      Whitney recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up #111My Profile

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