by John Steinbeck
Pages: 4
Published by HighBridge Company
Publication Date December 1st 2003
Source: Library
Genres: Classic
Of Mice and Men was John Steinbeck's first masterpiece. Originally published in 1937, it's the timeless story of George Milton and Lennie Small, ranch hands who drift from job to job, always one step ahead of the law and a few dollars from the poorhouse. George is small, wiry, sharp-tongued and quick-tempered; slow witted Lennie is his opposite—an immense man, brutishly strong but naturally docile, a giant with the mind of a child. Despite their difference, George and Lennie are bound together by a shared vision: their own small farm, where they'll raise cows, pigs, chickens, and rabbits, where they'll be their own bosses and live off the fat of the land.
There are very few books that make me cry by Of Mice and Men is one of them. I remember the first time I read this book in 9th grade. I was so moved by it and then someone ruined it and told me the Lenny dies. I was devastated. Like Sirius Black, another devastation in the years to come, I had grown attached to the character and to lose him in such a tragic way was had to bear. Besides, Steinbeck’s way with words I think the connection he created (good or bad) with these characters is what keeps me coming back.
However, this time I listened to the book narrated by Gary Sinise who played George in the 1992 adaptation. Despite being from Chicago he has the perfect drawl to read Of Mice and Men and lays out the story for the reader with tenderness, almost as if he is bracing the listener for what is about to befall them.
Overall it was a great narration for a wonderful classic.
I read this book when I was 14 and was traumatized for life. I didn’t see the ending coming! Great review.
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I read Of Mice & Men by Steinbeck and it was great. One movie I can think of where the characters take care of each other is Midnight Cowboy with Dustin Hoffman. I never saw the movie but I hear it’s also pretty touching – I`ve became a lit fan of it https://anastaziafantazya.kinja.com/in-the-story-of-mice-and-men-1832868417?rev=1551107754152. Hey, Rainman also comes to mind.