I received a few awards last month and I’m just now writing the post. Kim at Queen Bee has awarded me with the Honest Scrap Award and I also the Prolific Blog Award from both Lisa at Bibliohilac and Book Quoter at a thousand Books with Quotes
10 honest things about me
- I stood in line for 7 1/2 hours to meet Bill Clinton and get “My Life” signed (he liked my John Lennon shirt)
- I met Taylor Hicks who won the 5th season of American Idol (what an ass)
- I heard David Sedaris speak and got Dress Your Family n Corduroy and Denim signed
- I donated 12+ inches to Locks For Love
- I prefer Barnes and Noble to Borders
- I drink insane amounts of tea
- I had brain surgery due to epilepsy
- Horses freak me out
- 3 hours of my life were wasted by the Benjamin Button movie
- I wore glasses in high school
I pass these awards on to
- Becky at Becky’s Book Reviews
- A Bookish Space
- Felicia at Geeky Blogger’s Book Blog
- Becky at The Bookette
- Priya Parmar at The Plum Bean Project
- Casey at The Bookish Type
- Bobbie at ‘Till We Read Again
- Lee at Literary Magic
- JoAnn at Lakeside Musings
- Heather at Book Addict’s Book Reviews
Congratulations on the awards and congrats to all the other bloggers it was passed onto.
Congratulations on your awards. That is so cool that you donated your hair to locks of love!
Contratulations on your awards and thank so so much for nominating me
Hey Whitney, thanks for the award! And as a Bookish Space says, my congrats to you!
Awww thank you!
When I worked at Disneyland and met Bob Saget who was a total ass. It really is disappointing when people who appear to be "nice" turn out to be the other way!
Kathleen– I did that when I was 10, I could almost sit on it.
A Bookish Space & Becky- You're Welcome!
Felicia– I was never a fan of Taylor Hicks, but I have a friend who is like the president of his fan so met him through her. I was really embarrassed for my fiend because of his behavior.
congrats on the awards!!! i'm sorry to hear taylor wasn't nice to you and your friend!!! especially since she was the president of his fan club!
I know, I was very surprised how ungrateful and dismissive he was. I don't think his career will go very far with such a big head.
whitney thank you! i love your blog, i love the books you read and i love the way you right so that is really a lovely thing for me!
Congrats on your awards!
Wow! A double whammy thank you for the recognition. I received these awards last month too. Everyone should come by my log at this post: http://www.literary-magic.com/2010/04/awards-and-all-about-me.html to read 10 things about me and my list of noteworthy blogs.
Hi Whitney! Congrats on your awards and thank you so much for passing them on! I'm flattered =)
Congratulations on your awards and thanks so much for thinking of me! I'm a Barnes & Noble girls, too, and I also heard David Sedaris speak. Still kicking myself for not standing in line to get my book signed…
Thanks so much for your visit! I was honored that you stopped by and left me not one but two awards:) Thanks so much it really means a lot to me.
Congratulations on your blogging awards! I also drink insane amounts of tea.
Haha, I started wearing my glasses to high school when I got too lazy to put on contacts. Now I wear them all the time. What's wrong with that? What happened to your glasses now?
Thank you & you're welcome everyone!
JoAnn– Borders book shelves are so tall that they make me feel inferior.
Suko– Tea is so addicting, it's one of only vises.
SH–There's nothing wrong with glasses, I was just blind as a bat without them and my parents were just afraid I'd kill myself. I got Lasik surgery when I was 20.
You are a very fascinating person! Do you grown your hair out again, or keep the new look?
Borders has my allegiance–only because of the weekly email coupons. I also like their computers to look up books–B & N don't have them, have to ask a clerk for help.
No, I was 10 at the time and have kept my hair short ever sense.
I totally get enjoying Borders because of their computer system, the only persons I want to have a conversation with at bookstores are fictional.